9-11 Numerology & Symbology
Since 1968, the number 911 has been the emergency phone number for Americans to call when tragedy strikes. On 9/11/01 when tragedy struck, Americans were sent into a state of emergency over supposed Islamic “terrorists.” This 911 association with tragedy and danger is not new, nor is it mere coincidence.
“The Templars were recognized at Clermont in 1118. 1+1+1+8= 11. The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail provided the definitive evidence that there were 9 original founding Templars and they first banded together in 1111 and taking no new members for 9 years. And this was the numerical basis for the 911's in this tragedy.” -Robert Howard, “Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within our own Government” (www.theforbiddenknowledge.com...)
So 9 Knights Templar banded together in 1111AD and maintained the original 9 for 9 years. Centuries later on 9/11/19 the U.S. invaded Honduras and on 9/11/22 was the British mandate in Palestine. On 9/11/41 was the ground-breaking ceremony for the Pentagon, which would 60 years later be one of the “terrorist” targets. Then on 9/11/73, Salvador Allende of Chile, the world’s first democratically elected Marxist president, was overthrown by the U.S. in an admitted CIA-coup engineered by Nixon, Helms, and Kissenger; the same Henry Kissenger that was originally to head the 9/11 commission “investigation” (cover-up).
“The USA-backed overthrow or coup of Chile in 1973 spearheaded by Kissinger and Nixon was also on Sept 11. The event started with a bang as rebels bombed the Palacio de La Moneda, the presedential palace, with British-made jets. So we have USA-backed bombings of an important government building in Chile by jet planes (or symbolic doves, as we shall see) on another Sept 11!” -Jake Kotze, The Brave New World Order Blog, (www.thebravenewworldorder.com)
11 years before the 2001 attacks, on 9/11/90, President Bush gave his State of the Union Address about the New World Order, mentioning it several times. The next year on Sept. 11th he gave another speech regarding a New World Order. Exactly 7 years before 9/11 on Sept. 11th, 1994, just after 11pm, a single-engine Cessna was stolen then flown into the side of the White House. Finally, exactly 13 months prior to 9/11, on August 11th, 2000 there was clear video taken of a flying saucer hovering right next to the World Trade Center. Needless to say, this date September 11th seems to have some historical synchronistic significance with U.S./Britain and their imperial agenda. However, the numerology surrounding this event is not restricted to just its date/history.
September 11th (9+1+1 = 11) is the 254th day of the year (2+5+4 = 11) which means there is 111 days left in the year. New York was the 11th state to endorse the constitution and New York City has 11 letters. World Trade Center buildings 1 and 2 were 110 stories tall. The Freemasonic Statue of Liberty right near the Trade Center stands on an 11-pointed star pedestal. The number “11” itself is two pillars side by side like the twin towers. It was even American Airlines (AA = 11) Flight 11 carrying 11 crew members that allegedly hit the north tower.
“What were the flight numbers on September 11, 2001? Flight 175 = 1 + 7 + 5 = 13, Flight 11, flight 77, Flight 93 left gate 17. And you all actually thought that radical Muslims with plastic knives and box cutters did this? Then you must be brainwashed. Try Masons.” Duke, “Masonic – Occult Numerology” www.whale.to...
One of the planes had 93 (13x3 = 39 reversed 93) passengers and crew, another had 58 passengers (5+8=13). United Airways (UA – 21, 1 = 2+11 = 13) Flight 175 (1+7+5 = 13) had 56 passengers (5+6 = 11). On Sept. 11th, Bush Jr. announced an 11-day national state of mourning. Then 11 days later on Sept. 22nd he presented the Patriot Act before Congress. The Patriot Act is the unconstitutional 10,000 page anti-terror legislation supposedly written with super-human speed between Sept. 11th and Sept. 22nd.
On 9/11, Flight AA11 (11:11 encode two tower symbology) is hijacked and flown into the 93rd floor of North tower. Then just after, Bush Jr. reportedly tells the school principal, "a commercial plane has hit the World Trade Center and we're going to go ahead and do the reading thing anyway." And so Bush starts reading “My Pet Goat” symbolic of of Pan and 77. At 9:03am UA (13) Flight 175 (13) hits the South tower at the 77th floor and that news is whispered in Bush’s ear. A half hour later Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, and an hour later Flight 93 crashes in Shankesville.
“Pan is the Angel of the Abyss, his song shall end the world, and he started playing it on September 11th, 2001, when he was set free during the 9/11 super-ritual. In Faust we learn that the Pentagram is not Satanic at all, but rather a protective symbol placed over the Abyss by the angels of Heaven. But when one of the sides of the Pentagram wore off due to the passage of time, the symbol turned into a portal, and the Devil was set free to wreak havoc unto this world. You know, like when Flight 77 crashed into the side of the Pentagon.” -Jake Kotze, The Brave New World Order Blog (www.thebravenewworldorder.com)
Exactly 6 months after 9/11 on 3/11/02 the New York sky was illuminated by 88 (8x11) flood-lights to remember the victims. The lights shone straight upwards (like the digit 11) forming two blue pillars of light publicly said a tribute to the people lost in the towers. This was done for exactly 33 days, from 6:30 to 11:00pm. Then exactly 911 days after 9/11, on 3/11/04 were the Madrid “terrorist” train bombings! Reportedly there were 191 deaths which also encodes 911. On this same day, 3/11/04, World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein bought the 110-story Sears Tower valued at $911 million dollars. Then, exactly 911 hours after the Madrid train bombings, the April 19th, 2004 Chicago Sears tower “terrorist” attack was thwarted! The next “terrorist” bombing was the July 7th, 2005 (7/7/2+5 = 777) London Subway bombing which occurred precisely 444 days after the Sears tower attempt. The blasts went off at 8:49am which is 11 minutes to 9. On 11/9/05, the Amman, Jordan “terrorist” hotel bombs killed 38 (3+8 = 11).
On 7/11/06 in Mumbai India another “terrorist” train bomb killed 209 (2+9 = 11) commuters, using 7 bombs spaced exactly 11 minutes apart from first to last blast (77).
Did you know World War I was declared over at precisely the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month? (11:00, November 11) To this day we celebrate this Armstice as Veterens Day every year on the 11th. Just after 9/11 the movie Oceans 11 was released 12/7/01 (1+2+7+1 = 11). The “Two Towers” Lord of the Rings movie featuring an evil all-seeing eye enemy came out the following year 12/19/02 (1+2+1+9-2 = 11 and 12+19+2 = 33). The trilogy starts with Bilbo’s 111th birthday party.
Eric Rainbolt in “The Cryptocracy Book” points out a possible future date related to this numerology on which the elites may likely strike a large blow.
3-11, March 11th, 2004 ( Madrid “terrorist” bombings )
6-11 June 11th, 2007 ( FBI/UN Nuclear Terrorism Law Enforcement Conference )
9-11 Sept. 11th, 2001 ( New York City/WTC “terrorist” attack )
12-11 Dec. 11th, 2010 ( Another event yet to come? )
Chronologically re-listed:
2001 - 9-11
2004 - 3-11
2007 - 6-11
2010 - 12-11
The Hebrew Kabbalistic Tree of Life (studied in-depth by Masons) displays the Roman numerals IX-XI (9-11) when the tree has “fallen” or is shown on its side. And in the Tarot (also studied by Masons) there is much significance as well. The Major Arcana card “The Tower” shows a tall tower being struck by lightning, fire coming out the windows, and people falling to their deaths – all of which happened on 9/11, if the lightning is symbolically substituted by an airplane. In “The High Priestess” tarot card, Isis (the Statue of Liberty) is seen between the black and white Masonic pillars of Mercy and Severity, Boaz and Jachin (the Two Towers). The 13th “Death” tarot card also shows two towers with the sun between them.
In Freemasonry the two/three pillars are very important and well-known to every Mason. One of the largest Masonic websites is called “The Three Pillars.” They are depicted on the 1st degree tracing board and they are the 3 columns of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The pillars of Solomon’s temple - Sol-Om-On three words all meaning “Sun” -relate to this as well (note: WTC 7 was the Salomon Brothers Building). The right pillar of Mercy is Male and the left pillar of Severity is Female. Between them is the third androgenous pillar of enlightenment and illumination. This is symbolically depicted in the Tarot Death card where the sun is rising between two towers/pillars. In Da Vinci’s Last Supper, the back wall with two windows can be viewed as three towers/pillars. On the right is a man pointing representing the phallic/masculine, on the left is a very effeminate John representing the feminine, and the sun/son Jesus is in the middle. In the movie Spider-Man there was a deleted-scene with the sun rising between the Twin Towers symbolizing this as well.
More important, however, is the fact that Mary Magdalene can be seen as being associated with both a tower and the number seven. The name Magdalene can be literally translated from the Greek as meaning 'tower' and, as we have seen , this association between the terms 'tower' and 'seven' is present in the famous Biblical quotation: Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the Tower of Seven even unto the border of Ethiopia. So, Ezekiel's 'Tower of Seven' is none other than the Egyptian 'Magdal of Sefekh,' the same title that is now being associated with Mary Magdalene. The Tower of Sefekh was historically seen to be a prime symbol of Egypt and because of his notoriety it has already been identified as with the Great Pyramid (The Great Tower) of Egypt.” -Ralph Ellis, "Solomon Falcon of Sheba" (126-7)
So overlooking the 7 World Trade Center towers, is the Statue of Liberty, Isis/Mary the Tower of Seven, wearing a 7-pointed crown. Just as in the sky Sirius (Isis) stands beside the 3 stars of Orion’s (Osirus’) Belt, on the ground Isis (the Statue of Liberty) stands beside 3 collapsing towers. The three buildings that collapsed, buildings 1, 2 and 7, perfectly replicate in size and distance both the 3 pyramids at Giza and the 3 stars in Orions Belt. WTC buildings 1 and 2 were very tall with a shorter building 7 off to the side. Similarly, there are 2 large pyramids at Giza and a smaller pyramid off to the side. Not to mention, before being destroyed on 9/11 there actually stood a huge model of the 3 Giza pyramids at the base of the World Trade Center. The Giza pyramids themselves were modeled after Orions Belt which consists of 2 bright stars and another slightly less bright one off to the side. The ancient Egyptians associated Orions Belt with the God Osirus, the husband of Isis/Sirius. Their son is our sun, Horus, the Egyptian Jesus.
"For instance, this is why the tracing board portrays the three pillars as all being of different heights, with two larger pillars in the foreground and a much smaller one behind. This is not simply a matter of perspective, as the two foreground pillars are placed at exactly the same depth within the picture, but are given slightly different heights; while a much smaller pillar lies behind. Yet this depiction exactly reflects the reality at Giza, where two major pyramids are nearly but not quite of the same height, while the third is much smaller.” -Ralph Ellis, “Eden in Egypt” (165)
Sirius, the dog-star, is so called because it lies in the constellation Canis Major. Canine, Latin for dog, was shortened by the Masons/Hollywood to K-9 in Doctor Who and Rin Tin Tin K-9 Cop. NASA even has a Mars rover called K-9. Since K is the 11th letter of the alphabet, K-9 is numerically 119 or 911.
Before 1679 the constellation Columba (the Dove) occupied the same space as (was one with) Canis Major/Sirius. Since then the two constellations have drifted apart, but symbolically the Illuminati still associate the Dove with Sirius/Isis/Mary. The Columbine “blazing star” flower, Colombe meaning Dove, is a 5-petaled flower. In ancient Egypt the hieroglyph for Sirius included a 5-pointed star. In the U.S. District of “Columbia” the Masons built numerous 5-pointed star pentagrams into the roads/architecture. Is it not coincidental how the 5-sided Pentagon building would be attacked on 9/11, the same day it began construction 60 years prior? And is it not interesting how the numbers 911 and 5 relate back to Sirius the K-9, and Sirius the Columbine 5-pointed blazing star?
For pictures of these, check out the "pics" on www.myspace.com/sheeplerevolt
Moving over to Hollywood’s many Masonic productions, we find the 9/11 attacks alluded to in several films long before 2001! In 20th Centruy Fox’s 1988 film Die Hard the first lines are spoken on a plane about how to get over the fear of flying. One guy says what he has done for 9 years and Bruce Willis says what he has been doing for 11 years. So here we have 911, on a plane, talking about fears of flying, from a Masonic production company. In the first Die Hard, John McClane (Bruce Willis) takes on 12 terrorists in a tower; in the second movie it’s terrorists at an airport. Isn’t it interesting how in the 1988 movie we have John McClane afraid of flying, terrorists, towers, 9/11, and now in 2008 we have John McCain on a presidential fear campaign r*****ing around terrorists, towers, and 9/11? In 1998 we also have Bruce Willis saving the world in Masonic Disney/Touchstone’s Armegeddon. Toward the end of the movie there is a countdown which passes 9:11 minutes just as the camera pans past. In another 1998 Disney/Touchstone film, Enemy of the State, a politician played by Jon Voight has his birthday on September 11th. At first glance these synchronicities may seem like mere coincidence until you realize their Masonic significance, and Hollywood’s Masonic dominance.
In Warner Bros. 1990 film Gremlins 2 there are two reporters from channels 9 and 11 holding microphones with those numbers juxtaposed. In the 1990 Universal film Problem Child the Healeys live at house number 911. The actor in this movie, John Ritter, in real life had a baby girl, Stella Ritter born on 9/11/98, then 5 years later suddenly and suspiciously John died on 9/11/03 In the 1993 Super Mario Brothers movie the Two Towers are depicted eerily half destroyed and smoking just as they would be on 9/11/01. In the movie, the Twin Towers each have on them a large symbol of a hand holding two lightning bolts. This is the very aspect of Tarot imagery from “The Tower” card substituted by “hijacked” planes on 9/11.
In 33rd Degree Mason James Cameron and Columbia TriStar’s 1991 Terminator II, Judgement Day, there is an overpass that warns “Caution 9-11.” Later in James Cameron’s 1996 film Independence Day, there is also a countdown which just happens to pass 09:11:01 as the camera pans across. At the start of another Columbia TriStar Picture, 2000’s The 6th Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger looks at his schedule which has only two times: 9:00 and 11:00. The same year in Columbia’s The Patriot, Mel Gibson’s first words, weighing a chair, in the film, are: "9 pounds, 11 ounces, perfect." Here we have 911, the “patriotic” concept of the post-911 “Patriot Act,” a Masonic production company, a Masonic measuring device and symbol of the mystery schools, ounces or OZ (77) revenge of Lamech, and the closing word, “perfect.”
In 1997 DreamWorks’ first film, The Peacemaker, George Clooney is shot perfectly between aisle 9 and 11. In a 1997 episode of the Simpsons, Lisa holds up a magazine that reads “New York $9” with a picture of the Twin Towers after the 9 which looks like 911. In 1998’s Godzilla the camera cuts to a wrist-watch showing 8:55 with the little hand on the 9 and the big hand on the 11. In 1999’s The Thirteenth Floor a wall clock shows 11:45 with the big hand on the 9 and the little hand on the 11. In Universal/Columbia’s 1999 The Bone Collector, Denzel Washington finds a piece of paper from page 119, and the date is 11/9, November 9th. In 2000’s Traffic, a large delivery truck is shown full of boxes, and on every single box is a scorpio/scorpion symbol and the number 911.
In 1998 the U.S. Department of Justice FEMA Emergency Response to Terrorism Guide had a cover picture showing the World Trade Center in crosshairs. Another symbolic representation of the 9/11 events was encoded into the year 2000 $20 bill which when folded a certain way resembles the smoking/damaged Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Rap group “The Coup” album “Party Music” which came out just after 9/11, originally in June 2001, had an album cover featuring the artists affront both WTC towers which have huge explosions/smoke clouds from the upper floors. Granted some of this pre 9/11 symbolism could be sheer coincidence and overanalyzation, but can you honestly explain away all these synchronicities so simply?
“I do not mind being called a ‘conspiracy theorist’ by those who don’t mind being called ‘coincidence theorists.’” -Co-founder of 911 Citizens Watch John Judge
For screen shots of these movies etc. go to www.myspace.com/sheeplerevolt and click on pics.
another thread on 911 numerology. See
Exactly 911 days after 9/11, on 3/11/04 were the Madrid “terrorist” train bombings! Reportedly there were 191 deaths which also encodes 911. On this same day, 3/11/04, World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein bought the 110-story Sears Tower valued at $911 million dollars. Then, exactly 911 hours after the Madrid train bombings, the April 19th, 2004 Chicago Sears tower “terrorist” attack was thwarted! The next “terrorist” bombing was the July 7th, 2005 (7/7/2+5 = 777) London Subway bombing which occurred precisely 444 days after the Sears tower attempt. The blasts went off at 8:49am which is 11 minutes to 9. On 11/9/05, the Amman, Jordan “terrorist” hotel bombs killed 38 (3+8 = 11). On 7/11/06 in Mumbai India another “terrorist” train bomb killed 209 (2+9 = 11) commuters, using 7 bombs spaced exactly 11 minutes apart from first to last blast (77).
"In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol." -Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom” (87)
"Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony ... spiritually as well as physically ... to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals.” -W. Wynn Westcott, “The Occult ***** of Numbers” (15)
The numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 and all multiples of them have esoteric meaning to the Brotherhood and are used in a variety of ways. They are geomatriacally encoded in brand names and encrypted in corporate logos. They are used as numbers of councilmen, signatories, and important documents. Dates with numerological significance are used to dedicate monuments, to stage false-flag events and to plan assassinations. Without fail, the Brotherhood nearly always numerically or symbolically leaves its fingerprint. By analyzing these sacred numbers and their interrelationships, occult ideas/secrets begin to surface.
"The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33, 39 - Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention." -Robert Howard, “Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within our own Government” (http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com...de_centers.htm)
What is the purpose of leaving a numerical trail of ones crimes and exploits? Is it an arrogant calling-card to share/show with other secret society initiates? Are they lucky numbers? Or do the numerals themselves contain some more mystical quality? All of the above.
“These number codes have even deeper meanings than the more obvious ones of days, months, and the zodiac. Numbers also represent vibrational frequencies. Every frequency resonates to a certain number, color and sound. Some frequencies, represented by numbers, colors and sounds, are particularly *****ful. Symbols also represent frequencies and they affect the subconscious without the person realizing it is happening. This is another reason why certain symbols are seen in secret societies, national flags, company logos, advertising and so on.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (83)
This is a clear message from George Lucas.
The internet is the last light of truth and hope...it is truly of the people, by the people and for the people. We must not let it be subverted for any purpose other than the truth. And that truth shall spread to every man woman and child across the globe. No longer will those in ***** carry the sole means to decide for us, yet we now shall have the ***** to decide to tune them out.
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