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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Haiti: U.N. MINUSTAH Forces Crack Down on Anti-Occupation Demonstrators

by Isabeau Doucet

Global Research, October 25, 2010

It was tense in Port-au-Prince on Friday, Oct. 15. UN troops fi red shots in the air and traded blows with a crowd of some 100 demonstrators gathered outside the UN base at the Port-au-Prince airport to protest the renewal of the UN Mission to Stabilize Haiti (MINUSTAH). Although the UN Security Council had already renewed MINUSTAH’s mandate on Oct. 14, a coalition of grassroots and political opposition groups took to the streets to call for an end to the six-year military occupation which cost $612 million last year but undermined, rather than ensured, the general population’s security, the protesters said. It was the culmination of two weeks of different actions by the anti-occupation coalition.

Despite having been warned of the protest, UN soldiers seemed unprepared to handle the crowd which blocked the base’s entrance, stopping traffi c and spraying anti- UN slogans on offi cial cars trying to enter. There have been many similar protests over the past few months, but Friday’s clashes were some of the most intense seen here in recent weeks. At one point a UN security offi cer waded into the crowd sparking pushing and shoving. Blows were traded, followed by shots fi red in the air by the Jordanian soldiers forming a cordon around the base. The reckless and possibly vindictive driver of a UN vehicle pushed a handful of journalists covering the demo, including myself and Al Jazeera’s correspondent, into a trash-fi lled ditch. As UN security chiefs made calls asking for tear gas, reinforcements arrived in full riot gear and dispersed the crowd. Both chiefs covered up their UN identifi - cation and refused to call in the UN press offi cer.

The MINUSTAH first deployed in Haiti in June 2004 to take over from US, French and Canadian occupying troops which had helped oust Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and install de facto Prime Minister Gerard Latortue’s regime. Anti-occupation protests take place every year in the weeks before the mandate’s mid-October expiration but resentment is even deeper this year in the wake of MINUSTAH’s response to the Jan. 12 earthquake. Rather than helping to pull people from the rubble, UN forces focused on protecting facilities from “looting.” Despite MINUSTAH being reinforced to more than 13,000 troops and armed police after the quake, rape inside the camps has quadrupled, and violence against internally displaced people is growing with many forcibly expelled from their camps. As Haiti enters its often-turbulent election season, Préval’s former prime minister, candidate Jacques Edouard Alexis, has accused his former boss of distributing weapons in preparation for a campaign of intimidation.

Everywhere you go in this city there’s evidence of the animosity many feel towards the UN presence. The ubiquitous graffi ti slogans of “Down with the Occupation” or “Down with UN Thieves” refl ect the population’s opinion of the UN troop presence here.

As grassroots organizer and demonstrator Yves-Pierre Louis explains: “It violates the Haitian constitution and the UN charter which specifi es that such a force is only necessary in a country which threatens international peace and security. Haiti is not at war… it does not produce atomic bombs, terrorists or drugs. So where is the threat?” Neither the offi cer in charge of the riot team nor MINUSTAH spokesman Vicenzo Pugliese made an offi cial comment on the protest.

One of the reasons cited by the UN Security Council to renew the mandate was that the continued presence of UN forces would help to ensure a “credible and legitimate” vote on Nov. 28. But complaints are growing that the election is already unfair. As 45 members of the US Congress recently warned in a letter to US President Barack Obama, the exclusion of Aristide’s Lavalas Family party, one of the few with any widespread popular support, along with 13 others makes the electoral process unconstitutional and undemocratic.

Oct. 15 was also the offi cial beginning of political campaigning, but many Haitians living in camps insist they won’t vote while under tarpaulins. They say they have participated in the democratic process, but twice seen their collective will subverted by coups d’état. With frustrations running high and many Haitians cynical that Préval’s elections will bring improvements to their daily lives, the MINUSTAH might fi nd Haiti especially hot this year if the people’s simmering resentment turns to boiling rage against the soldiers and guns imported to keep them down.

U.S. troops charged with murder of Afghan civilians | Reuters

WASHINGTON | Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:38pm BST
(Reuters) - Twelve U.S. soldiers have been charged with gruesome crimes in Afghanistan ranging from murdering civilians to keeping body parts as war trophies -- revelations that the Pentagon said on Thursday damaged America's image around the world.

The infantry soldiers from the 5th Stryker Brigade based in Washington state deployed to Kandahar province a year ago and the murders occurred between January and March, according to charges by army prosecutors made public this week.

"Allegations like this are ... very serious," Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told a news briefing.

"Clearly, even if these allegations are proved to be untrue, it is unhelpful. It does not help the perceptions of our forces around the world."

Morrell declined to comment on the specifics of the charges because the case is still in the military justice system.

Five soldiers were charged in June with the murder of three Afghan civilians in Kandahar province.

But new charges disclosed to the media on Wednesday show seven others have also been charged in the case and face accusations that include conspiracy to cover-up the crime.

An Army spokeswoman said four of the soldiers have been charged for keeping body parts, which beyond finger bones and a skull include leg bones and a human tooth. It was unclear where the remains had come from based on the charge sheets.

Morrell said the allegations had yet to be proven, but were "serious nonetheless."

"They are, I think you all would agree, an aberration in terms of the behaviour of our forces, if true, around the world," he said.

"We've got 150,000 men and women deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan right now whose mission is to protect the Iraqi and Afghan people," he said. "They are risking their lives to protect the Iraqi and Afghan people.

"So I don't believe the allegations here against those few individuals are representative of the behaviour or the attitudes of the entire force," Morrell said.

The charges, whether ultimately proven true or not, had already damaged the U.S. military's reputation, he said.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart, Editing by Anthony Boadle)

Withdrawal from Afghanistan doublespeak

Connecting the Dots: The Phantom of Famine, Floods and Farce -- Signs of the Times News

Continued from here...

In spite of the above, president Obama has 'softened' his previous statement of starting to withdraw US troops by July of next year. Whilst continuing to use that date as a rough guide, he now insists that any withdrawal will depend on the 'conditions on the ground'.

He follows up this wide-open time frame by saying, 'But make no mistake: this transition will begin because open-ended war serves neither our interests nor the Afghan people's.' This contradictory message serves to keep the general public - and the armed forces personnel themselves - in a state of confusion as they try to reconcile the idea that troops won't be there for the long run, but they won't be leaving in the near future, either.

Between 65 and 75 coalition troops were killed in August. That's around seventy families who were told their children, parents, siblings, won't be returning home. The US government seems to be counting on the fact that their citizens will simply get used to this, evidenced by the fact that congress has just approved legislation for $1.3 billion dollars to go towards military constructions which indicate "that US military forces will be fighting there for years, if not decades, to come."

A notice seeking contractor bids placed on a US government web site last week maps out plans for the expansion of one of these US bases in Shindand, an airfield in western Afghanistan that had been used by the Soviet Army during its occupation of Afghanistan more than two decades ago.

The project is to include new runways, hangars, barracks, storage areas, a "weapons arming area" and other facilities. They are being built to accommodate the Special Operations troops used by Washington to carry out "targeted killings," i.e., assassinations, which have become a key component of the US war. They will also house a unit operating pilotless drone aircraft for purposes of "Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance" as well as missile attacks.

This extra funding for continued covert operations doesn't include "$5.3 billion in allocations for the construction of new facilities for the Afghan security forces, the Post reports, citing a Pentagon news release stating that most of these 'enduring facilities [are] scheduled for construction over the next three to four years.'"

Anyone thinking the U.S. is planning on leaving Afghanistan had better think again. Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, in-charge of training Afghan security forces painted a picture at the Pentagon Press Corps on August 23rd which puts Obama's 'conditions on the ground' into context. One indication of how long it's going to take to hand over national security to Afghanistan itself is the high attrition rate among those freshly recruited for the job. High numbers of those trained simply "disappear" when their 17 weeks training is finished; many are killed in fighting. This means that:...based on the current attrition rates, to grow the Afghan National Security Force the additional 56,000 needed to meet the 2011 goal of 305,000, we will need to recruit and train 141,000 soldiers and police. To put this into context, in order to meet the 2011 goal, we will need to recruit and train in the next 15 months approximately the same number as is the total strength of the Afghan Army today.

More here...

Pilot Refuses TSA Full Body Scan, Michael Roberts Sees Rights Violation - ABC News

The pilot who stands to lose his job for refusing to submit to an airport full body scan said today that the scanners and full body pat-downs infringe on his rights and amount to "multiple layers of absurdity."

"It's an outrage. The Fourth Amendment is there for a reason," Michael Roberts, 35, told "Good Morning America," referring to the Constitution's amendment which protects Americans against "unreasonable searches and seizures." "It's not dispensable for the sake of security, just to make us feel better or that something's being done."

Roberts is not the first flyer to refuse the scans. Two women flying out of Britain in March this year refused the scan, reportedly citing religious and medical reasons. They too were not allowed to fly.

Whitehead said he and his client are moving forward with a lawsuit in connection with Roberts' protest. Roberts said he's not sure whether he'll lose his job, but if he does, he said, "It's just a job."

"I'm doing this for my children," Roberts said. "I'm concerned about the world that they're going to grow up in. I think that's more important than my job."

Calls and e-mails to ExpressJet from ABC News seeking comment were not returned.

Flight Attendant Helps Lands Plane SafelyWATCH: Northwest Pilot Denies Crew Was SleepingAmerica's Newest Hero: Capt. Jack Conroyd
Every week for four and a half years, Roberts walked through the same security checkpoint at Memphis International Airport to fly for ExpressJet Airline. But when the airport replaced the metal detector with a full body scanner and Roberts was asked to walk through it last week, he refused. He also refused the alternative full-body pat down.

In response, the Transportation Security Administration refused to let him fly.

"Security is not optional," the TSA said in a statement. "TSA's responsibility is to keep the traveling public safe and we use a variety of security techniques to carry out this mission, including advanced imaging technology and pat downs. Crew members have access to sensitive areas of both airports and airplanes, making it necessary for all crew members to be subject to multiple layers of security. Anyone who refuses screening simply cannot be allowed to fly."

Roberts said he understands security measures are necessary, but added, "it doesn't require stripping our rights away from us, our liberty."

The scanners, 259 of which are found in 58 airports nationwide, have been a source of controversy for the amount of detail they provide the screener.

"Roberts' attorney, John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute said the scanners were equivalent to "virtual strip searches" and full body pat-downs are reserved for those suspected of criminal activity.

Roberts is not the first flyer to refuse the scans. Two women flying out of Britain in March this year refused the scan, reportedly citing religious and medical reasons. They too were not allowed to fly.

Whitehead said he and his client are moving forward with a lawsuit in connection with Roberts' protest. Roberts said he's not sure whether he'll lose his job, but if he does, he said, "It's just a job."

"I'm doing this for my children," Roberts said. "I'm concerned about the world that they're going to grow up in. I think that's more important than my job."

Calls and e-mails to ExpressJet from ABC News seeking comment were not returned.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Michael Roberts Express Jet Pilot Refuses Body Scan, Banned From Flying

A pilot for ExpressJet Airlines is filing a lawsuit against the Government for violating what he considers his 4th amendment right, according to ABC News.

1st Officer Michael Roberts refused to go through the new full body scans at the Memphis airport he has flown from for years. The TSA told him he could not fly if he did not go through the new scans and be subjected to a full body pat down.

Roberts says he was "outraged" and that the "4th Amendment is there for a reason."

He claims to be filing the lawsuit "for his kids" because he's scared of the world they are growing up in.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2011 The Largest Tax Hikes in History

***New January 2011 tax hike added this week***

Homeowner Paperwork Tax Burden. Congress this week will send to President Obama a bill which has several tax hikes and tax breaks. One of the tax hikes requires the 10 million homeowners who rent out second homes and vacation homes to issue burdensome “1099-MISC” forms to everyone with whom they do more than a small amount of business. This will result in millions of wasted hours filling out paperwork and being chased by the IRS. 90% of people who rent out homes make less than $200,000 per year.

First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief

In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for investors, small business owners, and families. These will all expire on January 1, 2011:

Personal income tax rates will rise. The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which two-thirds of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates. The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:

- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%

- The 25% bracket rises to 28%

- The 28% bracket rises to 31%

- The 33% bracket rises to 36%

- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

Higher taxes on marriage and family. The “marriage penalty” (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level. The dependent care tax credit will be cut.

The return of the Death Tax. This year, there is no death tax. For those dying on or after January 1 2011, there is a 55 percent top death tax rate on estates over $1 million. A person leaving behind two homes and a retirement account could easily pass along a death tax bill to their loved ones.

Higher tax rates on savers and investors. The top capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 20 percent in 2011. The top dividends tax rate will rise from 15 percent this year to 39.6 percent in 2011. These rates will rise another 3.8 percent in 2013.

Second Wave: Obamacare

There are over twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare. Several will first go into effect on January 1, 2011. They include:

The Tanning Tax. This went into effect on July 1st of this year. It imposes a new, 10% excise tax on getting a tan at a tanning salon. There is no exemption for tanners making less than $250,000 per year.

The “Medicine Cabinet Tax” Thanks to Obamacare, Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin).

The HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike. This provision of Obamacare increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent.

Brand Name Drug Tax. Starting next year, there will be a multi-billion dollar tax assessment imposed on name-brand drug manufacturers. This tax, like all excise taxes, will raise the price of medicine, hurting everyone.

Economic Substance Doctrine. The IRS is now empowered to disallow perfectly-legal tax deductions and maneuvers merely because it judges that the deduction or action lacks “economic substance.” This is obviously an arbitrary empowerment of IRS agents.

Employer Reporting of Health Insurance Costs on a W-2. This will start for W-2s in the 2011 tax year. While not a tax increase in itself, it makes it very easy for Congress to tax employer-provided healthcare benefits later.

Third Wave: The Alternative Minimum Tax and Employer Tax Hikes

When Americans prepare to file their tax returns in January of 2011, they’ll be in for a nasty surprise—the AMT won’t be held harmless, and many tax relief provisions will have expired. The major items include:

The AMT will ensnare over 28 million families, up from 4 million last year. According to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center, Congress’ failure to index the AMT will lead to an explosion of AMT taxpaying families—rising from 4 million last year to 28.5 million. These families will have to calculate their tax burdens twice, and pay taxes at the higher level. The AMT was created in 1969 to ensnare a handful of taxpayers.

Small business expensing will be slashed and 50% expensing will disappear. Small businesses can normally expense (rather than slowly-deduct, or “depreciate”) equipment purchases up to $250,000. This will be cut all the way down to $25,000. Larger businesses can expense half of their purchases of equipment. In January of 2011, all of it will have to be “depreciated.”

Taxes will be raised on all types of businesses. There are literally scores of tax hikes on business that will take place. The biggest is the loss of the “research and experimentation tax credit,” but there are many, many others. Combining high marginal tax rates with the loss of this tax relief will cost jobs.

Tax Benefits for Education and Teaching Reduced. The deduction for tuition and fees will not be available. Tax credits for education will be limited. Teachers will no longer be able to deduct classroom expenses. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts will be cut. Employer-provided educational assistance is curtailed. The student loan interest deduction will be disallowed for hundreds of thousands of families.

Charitable Contributions from IRAs no longer allowed. Until this year, a retired person with an IRA could contribute up to $100,000 per year directly to a charity from their IRA. This contribution also counts toward an annual “required minimum distribution.” This ability will no longer be there.

Congressman Paul discusses tax policy and the economy with David Asman

What Happened to Hemp? Blame DuPont, Says Joe Baegant

Submitted by legalizeliberty on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 16:24
in Videos
How did hemp go from being a popular industrial material to a banned substance in 1937? Author Joe Bageant describes how the non-psychoactive plant was once used in everything from paper to automobiles, until a targeted PR campaign forever tied hemp's image to it's cousin, marijuana.


Complete 1 hour long video at:

U.S. Soldier Waterboards 6 Year Old Foster Child For Wetting His Bed

TACOMA, Wash. – Army Sergeant Joshua Tabor was sentenced to 60 days in jail this morning after investigators say he “water boarded” his three-year-old daughter.

Police said 27-year-old Tabor punished his daughter last January in their Yelm home because she did not know her ABC’s and was having trouble learning to use the bathroom. Authorities said he pulled his daughter’s head backward into the kitchen sink.

Yelm Police Chief Todd Stancil said Tabor knew she was afraid of water and thought it was an appropriate punishment.

At first Tabor entered a not guilty plea to the charge but then entered no contest please in August.

Tabor will not be allowed to see his daughter for the next five years.

Tabor’s attorney said his client suffers from post traumatic stress disorder after serving tours as a helicopter mechanic in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Another JBLM soldier, Ruben Colon, is awaiting trial for allegedly waterboarding his foster son as punishment last year.

Cops Beat Up Man After He Finds His Son Committed Suicide, Loganville, Ga

UPDATE on Another FDA Cheese Bust on Family Food Ministry

Posted on October 24, 2010 by Augie
UPDATE 10/25/2010

As reported here (below) Saturday, FDA busted another artisan-cheese family food ministry in Washington state. The children have calmed down now four days after their direct dealings with the FDA agents when they locked up all the award-winning cheese at Estrella Family Creamery–while Anthony and Kelly Estrella, the parents, were known by the intruders to be away at the farmers market. All because a few isolated samples of cheese never offered to the public did not pass non-detect (zero) of a microorganism that is found all over your skin: a “standard” that will shut down any cheese maker nationwide.

According to the Estrella’s, there had been a pathogen detected last Spring and rectified as is industry-standard worldwide. But this time FDA just suspects “all of the batches cheese” might contain a sub-type of Listeria, something allowed in European cheeses. (Low levels of Listeria may be found any cheese, according to this report. So the crux of the whole deal in Washington and some other states is a zero-dectection limit with a zero-tolerance which is an impossibility to achieve—even in the cleanest of cheese operations, not whether it is detected.)

In my telephone conversation with them tonight, they said they expect the state Department of Agriculture and the Health Department to inspect and get involved. A lawsuit against FDA is pending and a fundraiser is in the making to help them make it through this escalating ordeal, Anthony explained. They said there has been an outpouring from everywhere on how people can help. The cows need to be kept fed, but the cheese is locked up—they have not produced cheese for 8 weeks–their marginal source of income to support their home-schooled children and the 80-head cowherd. They are most frugal: their newest vehicle they drive to their home-church fellowship is 10 years old—besides maintaining their older farm equipment. Yet the Estrallas were able to adopt a number of African (Liberian) children. There are no employees, only family members run the operation–which included a recent voluntary upgrade of the cheese house exceeding standards anywhere. The farm may not survive—their customers are livid- denying them food needed for their health—for such a ridiculous action.

I know FDAs rationale for these actions are to test out the new federal food safety and health agenda. They are not only causing the Italian Gold Medal and other award-winning cheese to be stopped, but affecting the health of their neighbors, family and friends who depend on it– as hundreds have testified in this and other cases– and squashing their ministry to which the Estrallas believe is their calling from the Creator of the natural milk and cheese they produce.

Should the Estralla’s, or other real farm food producers offering the goods at a farmers market or farm store, with a stack of permits already, meet every requirement– it would not be good enough. The cheese (or eggs or meat or custard pie) must be in a commercial refrigerator– dry ice is not good enough, or the labeling is not correct. But if they get it just right–then agents from another enforcing agency will say the product is not on the “approved source list”. But the folks selling the contaminated Supermarket milk and dairy that makes 20% of people sick, offer it at a much cheaper price with the mass-scale economics and government subsidies. This is why Estrella cheese is $15-20 a pound and milk is $10 a gallon– to make a modest income.

This is not the only food ministry raided in the past two years. There are 50 some other articles in our arsenal at our Family Farm Enforcement and Regulatory Actions portfolio.


The Estrella kids from the Estrella Family Creamery in Washington state got a shock the morning of October 22 when the FDA showed up to shut the creamery and cheese production down and embargo all the cheese–while the parents, Anthony and Kelli, were away at the farmers market.

This was posted at their fabulous website Estrella Family Creamery:



Dear Friends,

Last night at about 5:30 three cars pulled into the yard with FDA and Federal Marshals, alarming our kids. They posted a seizure order that named all cheeses on the property. This is serious, it could put us out of business.

I need to write something more lengthy than I have time for right now. But tomorrow we will be at the University District farmer’s market, sadly without cheese. But we’ve invited the media and would love to have our customer’s voices heard. Because we’ve been hearing you voice very strong opinions about wanting the right to choose your food. Please feel free to come and ask questions.

As in the Morningland case in Missouri , the FDA claims there is a potential of contamination with listeria. But, where is the data?

The report came my way first thing this morning while at the Raw Milk ARMi Boards, specifically the Washington Alliance for Raw Milk Facebook site, as I was finishing my raw yogurt with roasted pecans and coconut flakes. I thought maybe I could lay off the milk raid stories for at least a day. But no, I had to click just once and then twice.


Oh, by the way, my Guide to How To Find Raw Milk and Cheese and All Your Real Food white paper is not ready to offer yet, but I want to remind my readers of the opening of the Journal’s iShop where we have eBooks for nutrition and health . . . with many more coming. Take a peek and come back to peruse. Rather than accepting donations, I wanted to give you something back in value, to keep our projects going.– Augie


In the Saturday edition of Seattle Local Food, a plea went out to help the Estrella family. It explains why the FDA agents have a bee in their bonnet over the possibility of someone getting sick from nibbling on national award-winning artisan raw cheese from pastured cows grazing on organic grasses.

The claim: Risk of exposure to Listeria. However, Estrella’s current inspection records (available today at the market) show that all cheeses have tested negative. There was apparently a positive test for Listeria at a point in the past, and so the FDA decided to shut down the dairy on the claim that the cheese might have Listeria, with no burden of proof to demonstrate they do, or to acknowledge records that show this is no longer a problem.

Anthony Estrella said this morning that even starting to fight this would cost $20,000-$30,000 or pro bono legal representation.

MY COMMENT: The legal and philosophical “precautionary principle” states that if an activity’s or product’s risk to human health and the environment is unknown, then it must be proven to have no risk before it may proceed– or until the activity is controlled by the state. This is known as zero-risk or zero-tolerance mentality. Risks may be acceptable, but only if allowed by the State through its regulatory apparatus as developed by the government/corporate/academia partnership. This is especially true when offering superior and healthy raw dairy products that encroach on the competition of the milk monopoly– or creme cartel. It also applies when government agencies are so large they must always prey on small folks to justify their existence.


If you want to get a feel of the Estrella family, you should want to read the featured article appearing in Culture Cheese Magazine. The family consists of a number of adopted Africans (Liberians) and they are obviously Bible believers who walk the talk. It is another heartwarming story of a family integrating faith into their food and farm freedom mission.

If you can help, please contact Anthony and Kelli. Legal/advocacy help, voicing your feelings as a customer on their behalf, wishes/prayers, or any other relevant resources sound welcome. COMMENTs from our readers are encouraged below.

Here is their contact info:

Estrella Family Creamery:
(360) 249-6541
659 Wynoochee Valley Road
Montesano,WA 98563

Hemp may be the real reason marijuana is illegal

Hemp is the far bigger economic issue hiding behind legal marijuana.

If the upcoming pot legalization ballot in California were decided by hemp farmers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, it would be no contest. For purely economic reasons, if you told the Constitutional Convention in 1787 that the nation they were founding would someday make hemp illegal, they would have laughed you out of the room.

If California legalizes pot, it will save the state millions in avoided legal and imprisonment costs, while raising millions in taxes.
But with legal marijuana will come legal hemp. That will open up the Golden State to a multi-billion-dollar crop that has been a staple of human agriculture for thousands of years, and that could save the farms of thousands of American families.

Hemp is currently legal in Canada, Germany, Holland, Rumania, Japan and China, among many other countries. It is illegal here largely because of marijuana prohibition. Ask any sane person why hemp is illegal and you will get a blank stare.

For paper, clothing, textiles, rope, sails, fuel and food, hemp has been a core crop since the founding of ancient China, India and Arabia. Easy to plant, grow and harvest, farmers -- including Washington and Jefferson -- have sung its praises throughout history. It was the number one or two cash crop on virtually all American family farms from the colonial era on.

If the American Farm Bureaus and Farmers Unions were truly serving their constituents, they would be pushing hard for legal pot so that its far more profitable (but essentially unsmokable) cousin could again bring prosperity to American farmers.

Hemp may be the real reason marijuana is illegal. In the 1930s, the Hearst family set out to protect their vast timber holdings, much of which were being used to make paper.

But hemp produces five times as much paper per acre as do trees. Hemp paper is stronger and easier to make. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper, and one of Benjamin Franklin's primary paper mills ran on it.

But the Hearsts used their newspapers to incite enough reefer madness to get marijuana banned in 1937. With that ban came complex laws that killed off the growing of hemp. The ecological devastation that's followed with continued use of trees for paper has been epic.

As canvass, hemp has long been essential for shoes, clothing, rope, sails, textiles, building materials and much more. It's far more durable than cotton and ecologically benign compared to virtually any other industrial crop. Hemp needs no pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers, and can grow well without much water.

Hemp's use for rope was so critical to the US war effort that in the 1940s, the US military had the ban relaxed and blanketed virtually the entire state of Kansas with it. The War Department's Hemp for Victory is the core film on how to grow it.

Henry Ford produced an entire automobile made from hemp fiber stiffened with resin. Like the original diesel engine, it was designed to run on hemp fuel.

Powder from hemp seeds is extremely high in protein and in omega-3 oils, now mostly gotten from fish.

Hemp could be key to the future of bio-fuels. Growing food crops like corn and soy to make ethanol and diesel is extremely inefficient and expensive. They force hungry people to compete with cars for fuel.

Fast-growing hemp stalks and leaves are well suited for cheap fermentation into ethanol, and for compression into fuel pellets. The seeds produce a bio-diesel that's far superior to what comes from soy.

Alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical and law enforcement/prison-industrial industries -- not to mention entrenched narco-terrorists -- are leading the fight against legal pot.

But the industrial production of hemp would also transform the industries for paper, cotton, textiles, plastics, fuel, fish oil and more. The economic, ecological and employment benefits would be incalculable.

When Californians go to the polls November 2, they may end a marijuana prohibition that's had devastating impacts on the state's public health and civil liberties, while costing it billions.

They'll also decide whether California -- and, ultimately, the US -- will resume production of history's most powerful, versatile and profitable industrial crop, one ultimately certain to be worth far more than marijuana.

One that was essential to this nation's founding -- and that could be central to its economic, ecological and agricultural revival.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good Morning America learns that Bin Laden is CIA

Israeli army's female recruits denounce treatment of Palestinians

"Israeli army's female recruits denounce treatment of Palestinians
Facebook images of an Israeli servicewoman posing with blindfolded Palestinians have caused a storm. Now two former female conscripts have spoken out about their own experiences

Harriet Sherwood
The Observer, Sunday 22 August 2010
Article history

Israeli servicewomen train to become army instructors. Some former recruits have spoken out against the military action in the occupied territories. Photograph: IDF/Polaris Images
It was a single word scrawled on a wall at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that unlocked something deep inside Inbar Michelzon, two years after she had completed compulsory military service in the Israeli Defence Force.

The word was 'occupation'. 'I really felt like someone was speaking the unspoken,' she recalled last week in a Tel Aviv cafe. 'It was really shocking to me. There was graffiti saying, 'end the occupation'. And I felt like, OK, now I can talk about what I saw.'"

Michelzon became one of a handful of former Israeli servicewomen who have spoken out about their military experiences, a move that has brought accusations of betrayal and disloyalty. It is impossible to know how representative their testimonies are, but they provide an alternative picture of the "most moral army in the world", as the IDF describes itself.

Concerns about Israeli army culture were raised last week following the publication on Facebook of photographs of a servicewoman posing alongside blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinians. The images were reminiscent of the Abu Ghraib scandal in Iraq. But the former soldier, Eden Abergil, said she didn't understand what was wrong with the pictures, which were described by the IDF as "ugly and callous".

Israel is unique in enlisting women at the age of 18 into two years of compulsory military service. The experience can be brutalising for the 10% who serve in the occupied territories, as Michelzon did.

"I left the army with a ticking bomb in my belly," she said. "I felt I saw the backyard of Israel. I saw something that people don't speak about. It's almost like I know a dirty secret of a nation and I need to speak out."

Michelzon, now 29, began her military service in September 2000, just when the second intifada was breaking out. "I joined the army with a very idealistic point of view – I really wanted to serve my country." She was posted to Erez, the crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip, to work in the radio control room.

"There was a lot of tension, a lot of shootings and suicide bombings," she said. "Little by little you understand the rules of the game. You need to make it hard for the Arabs – that's the main rule – because they are the enemy."

She cited a routine example of a Palestinian woman waiting at the crossing. Michelzon called her officer, asking permission to allow the woman through. She was told to make such a request once the woman had been kept waiting for hours. "I felt very alone in the army. I couldn't talk about the things I felt were misplaced," she said. "I didn't have strong views but I felt uncomfortable about the talk, about soldiers hitting Arabs and laughing. I thought everyone else was normal and I was the one who wasn't. I felt an outsider to the group experience."

At the end of her service, in June 2002, Michelzon said she felt the need to escape and took off to India. "I went through a breakdown little by little," she said. It was only when she returned to enrol in university, and two years of therapy, that she began to consider her "duty" to speak out. She also came across Breaking the Silence, an organisation of army veterans who publish testimonies from former soldiers on life in the occupied territories to stimulate debate about the "moral price" of the occupation.

Michelzon gave evidence to the group and two years ago appeared in a documentary, To See If I'm Smiling, about the experiences of young women in the army. The film, she said, was criticised by all sides. The left focused on "the bad things we did and not on the fact that we wanted to start a discussion. We wanted to put up a mirror and tell Israeli society to look itself in the eyes.

"From the right, the reaction was, why are you doing this to your own people? Do you hate your country? But I did it because I love my country. We had to fight to say we want to talk about the political situation."

The psychological impact of military service on women is undeniable, according to the testimonies of Michelzon and others, particularly those who serve in the occupied territories. "If you want to survive as a woman in the army, you have to be manly," she said. "There is no room for feeling. It's like a competition to see who can be tougher. A lot of the time girls are trying to be more aggressive than the guys."

Her experience is echoed by that of Dana Golan, who served in the West Bank city of Hebron in 2001-02 as one of about 25 women among 300 male soldiers. Like Michelzon, Golan only spoke out after finishing her service. "If I had raised my anxieties, it would have been seen as a weakness," she said.

Golan, now 27, said the "most shaky moment" of her military service came during a search for weapons in a Palestinian home. The family were awoken at 2am by soldiers who "turned their whole house inside out". No weapons were found. The small children of the house were terrified, she recalled. "I thought, what would I feel if I was this four-year-old kid? How would I grow up? At that moment it occurred to me that sometimes we're doing things that just create victims. To be a good occupier, we have to create conflict."

On a separate occasion she witnessed soldiers stealing from a Palestinian electronics shop. She tried to report it, only to be told "there were things I shouldn't interfere with".

She said that she also saw elderly Palestinians being humiliated on the streets, "and I thought these could be my parents or grandparents".

Israel is discomfited by these testimonies, she said, partly because of the universality of military service. "We grew up believing the IDF is the most moral army in the world. Everyone knows people serving in the army. Now when I say we are doing immoral things, I am talking about your sister or your daughter. People do not want to hear."

The IDF is proud that 90% of its roles are open equally to men and women. "Serving in a combat unit where you have daily contact with people who might do you harm is not easy – you have to be tough," said Captain Arye Shalicar, an army spokesman. "It's not only a female thing, it's the same for everyone. In the end, a combat unit is a combat unit. Sometimes things happen, not every deed is 100% correct or fair." The army, he said, has procedures for reporting misdeeds which soldiers are encouraged to follow.

Both Michelzon and Golan have no regrets about speaking out. "For two years I saw people suffering and I didn't do anything – and that's really scary," said Michelzon. "At the end, it felt like the army betrayed me – they used me, I couldn't recognise myself. What we call protecting our country is destroying lives."

Reid "Taxation Is Voluntary"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Israeli Rabbis Defend Book's Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews (with Video)

"How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book's Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews (with Video)
A rabbinical guidebook for killing non-Jews has sparked an uproar in Israel and exposed the power a bunch of genocidal theocrats wield over the government.
August 30, 2010

When I went into the Jewish religious book emporium, Pomeranz, in central Jerusalem to inquire about the availability of a book called Torat Ha'Melech, or the King's Torah, a commotion immediately ensued. 'Are you sure you want it?' the owner, M. Pomeranz, asked me half-jokingly. 'The Shabak [Israel's internal security service] is going to want a word with you if you do.' As customers stopped browsing and began to stare in my direction, Pomeranz pointed to a security camera affixed to a wall. 'See that?' he told me. 'It goes straight to the Shabak!'"
As soon as it was published late last year,Torat Ha'Melech sparked a national uproar. The controversy began when an Israeli tabloid panned the book's contents as "230 pages on the laws concerning the killing of non-Jews, a kind of guidebook for anyone who ponders the question of if and when it is permissible to take the life of a non-Jew." According to the book's author, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, "Non-Jews are "uncompassionate by nature" and should be killed in order to "curb their evil inclinations." "If we kill a gentile who has has violated one of the seven commandments… there is nothing wrong with the murder," Shapira insisted. Citing Jewish law as his source (or at least a very selective interpretation of it) he declared: "There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults."

In January, Shapira was briefly detained by the Israeli police, while two leading rabbis who endorsed the book, Dov Lior and Yaakov Yosef, were summoned to interrogations by the Shabak. However, the rabbis refused to appear at the interrogations, essentially thumbing their noses at the state and its laws. And the government did nothing. The episode raised grave questions about the willingness of the Israeli government to confront the ferociously racist swathe of the country's rabbinate. "Something like this has never happened before, even though it seems as if everything possible has already happened," Israeli commentator Yossi Sarid remarked with astonishment. "Two rabbis [were] summoned to a police investigation, and announc[ed] that they will not go. Even settlers are kind enough to turn up."

In response to the rabbis' public rebuke of the state's legal system, the Israeli Attorney General and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kept silent. Indeed, since the publication of Torat Ha'Melech, Netanyahu has strenuously avoided criticizing its contents or the author's leading supporters. Like so many prime ministers before him, he has been cowed into submission by Israel's religious nationalist community. But Netanyahu appears to be particularly impotent. His weakness stems from the fact that the religious nationalist right figures prominently in his governing coalition and comprises a substantial portion of his political base. For Netanyahu, a confrontation with the rabid rabbis could amount to political suicide, or could force him into an alliance with centrist forces who do not share his commitment to the settlement enterprise in the West Bank.

On August 18, a pantheon of Israel's top fundamentalist rabbis flaunted their political power during an ad hoc congress they convened at Jerusalem's Ramada Renaissance hotel. Before an audience of 250 supporters including the far-right Israeli Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari, the rabbis declared in the name of the Holy Torah that would not submit to any attempt by the government to regulate their political activities -- even and especially if those activities included inciting terrorist attacks against non-Jews. As one wizened rabbi after another rose up to inveigh against the government's investigation of Torat Ha'Melech until his voice grew hoarse, the gathering degenerated into calls for murdering not just non-Jews, but secular Jews as well.

"The obligation to sacrifice your life is above all others when fighting those who wish to destroy the authority of the Torah," bellowed Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira, head of the yeshiva in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan. "It is not only true against non-Jews who are trying to destroy it but against Jewish people from any side."

Read more here ...

The Day the Zionist Settlers Paid Us a Visit | My Palestine

Posted on 06/09/2010 by reham alhelsi
It was another “ordinary” summer day in Dheisheh refugee camp, as far as “ordinary” goes in occupied Palestine. As with every school holiday, my parents had sent my sister and me to my grandparent’s house. We loved going there and cherished every minute of our stay. And although, in my opinion, nothing compares to Jerusalem and although Sawahreh is forever my little Palestinian paradise, Dheisheh was my fortress, it taught me so much about the occupation, about oppression and about resistance and the thirst for freedom. That tiny, over-crowded refugee camp taught me so much about the Right of Return and about the Palestine the Zionist entity tries so hard to erase."
It was an ordinary day, or maybe it wasn’t. I don’t remember any particular events that’s day, maybe because it was just another summer day or maybe because the events that followed erased any memory I had of everything else that happened that day. That evening my sister and I had a fight over something, most probably trivial as usual, and me being stubborn as usual, declared I won’t talk to my sister anymore, refused to have any dinner and went to bed too early even for chicken despite all the pleading and all efforts from my grandmother, uncles and aunts to resolve the conflict peacefully. After sometime of fuming and secretly cursing, I eventually fell asleep. I was awakened sometime later by loud sounds of banging. I jumped off the mattress (we all slept on the floor, there were no beds) and ran to the sitting room. There I saw everyone awake and wearing their day attire. I looked at the window and to my astonishment saw that it was still dark outside. “What is wrong? Where are you all going?” I asked as I moved from one person to the other and very much aware of the continuous sounds of gunshots, hand grenades and screams outside. “The settlers have attacked!” someone answered me.

And it wasn’t any kind of settlers, but the fanatic terrorists of Kiryat Arba’. “Where are you all going?” I asked. “To defend the refugee camp, to defend our homes” they were saying. They were all ready to leave and were distributing themselves as to which street or to which neighborhood everyone was to go. It was obvious this wasn’t the first time they had to go through this and it wasn’t the first settler attack nor was it to be last, and most probably what happened in my grandparents house happened in every other house in the refugee camp. They were so used to such attacks that all the “organization” was done in a few minutes. And to any Zionist reading this, I will have to disappoint you and say that they strictly refused to let any of us children out of the house, despite begging and pleading to go out with everyone else and participate in defending the refugee camp. We were told to stay in the house, to hide and be careful as to who we allow inside the house. So, next time you Zionists go cry: Palestinian send their children to get killed, keep reading and you’ll see how much Zionist colonists love their children.

So, with the exception of us children, everyone else went out to the streets and alleys to defend our homes, even my elderly grandmother, who without a word snatched a tree stem hidden behind the couch and declared: I am going to the west entrance to defend my daughter’s house. My aunt lived there with her little children and the idea that her house was located exactly at the west entrance of the refugee camp, exposed to the attackers and one of the first houses they would encounter when attempting to storm the refugee camp, brought fear to everyone who had witnessed settler violence, especially that of the Kiryat Arba’ terrorists. We sat in the empty house with the lights off so the settlers don’t shoot in our direction. We could hear the loud shouting and singing of the settlers accompanied by shooting and loud banging. It was as if everything around us was shaking; the walls, the windows, the chairs, the whole house and the neighbouring ones. We could also hear the sound of people running along the small alley behind our house. They were all heading towards the main Jerusalem-Hebron road that passes in front of the refugee camp. At some point, we sneaked to the windows and keeping our heads low we watched as the settles went on with their macabre celebration: There were settlers, many of them, armed, laughing, shouting and shooting at the houses, vandalizing and destroying the cars parked in front of the refugee camp. There were women and children present. They had brought their families with them to joint in the attack on sleeping Palestinian families. There were also Israeli occupation soldiers present who instead of stopping the settlers from shooting were actually assisting them and directing their gun towards the refugee camp. Instead of stopping the Zionist who had come at midnight to attack sleeping Palestinian families, the IOF were shooting at the Palestinians who started throwing stones at the fully-armed settlers.

And so it was: stones against a rain of bullets and tear gas canisters. And while they were shooting, the Zionist settlers were singing and chanting. If this isn’t lust for blood, if this isn’t celebrating murder, I don’t know what it. And the Zionists who keep claiming Palestinians send their children to be killed in demos, had brought their children with them to join in the attack, they had brought them with them to teach them “how to love thy neighbour” and “how to make peace with thy neighbor”. They wanted to show their children what being a Zionist is all about and how to deal with Palestinian civilians ‘a la Zionist way. I remember asking some friends from Dheisheh about this years later and being told that often when the settlers of Kiryat Arba’ attack the refugee camp they bring their wives and children with them. When I asked about their thoughts as to why the settlers did such a thing, they answered: so when Palestinians go out to defend their homes and throw stones at the armed attackers, the settlers would use their wives and children as human shields and so that the Palestinians would stop throwing stones considering there were children. I was told that they saw more than once how the children were standing in the first row in front of the adult settlers. So, the settlers would use their children to stop Palestinians from throwing stones at them, but these same settlers wouldn’t hesitate a minute to shoot a Palestinian child. Judging from the sound of bullets and tear gas canisters flying all around us and the banging and the rejoicing and judging from the holes in the houses and cars and the shattered windows we found everywhere the next day, it was obvious that the settlers didn’t give a damn how many they kill or who they kill, i.e. whether a child, woman or adult. They were just aiming to kill. Fortunately, and maybe should I say miraculously, no one was killed, but not because the settlers didn’t “mean any real harm”. It was because the Palestinians had been used to such terror attacks and knew how best to keep themselves and their children safe: upon an attack all house lights immediately go off, movement inside houses is only when there is a necessity and while bowing down so one doesn’t get hit by a bullet flying through the windows, and those who leave to fend off the settlers know the streets and the alleys as the back of their hands and thus have the upper hand. Every time the Israeli occupation army commits a massacre in the middle of the night, or raids a Palestinian village or town in the middle of the night, or bombards Gaza in the middle of the night, I remember the midnight settler attacks on Dheisheh. These cowards chose the time when Palestinians are asleep in their homes, the time they believe when most Palestinians are not in a state to defend themselves and their homes. But they are mistaken; a Palestinian is always ready to defend his/her family, his home and his land.

Seeing that the residents who were defending their homes were actually in a better position and had the control over the refugee camp (not one single settler was able to enter the refugee camp that night), and seeing that their machine guns, live bullets and poisonous gas canisters were useless in the face of Palestinian steadfastness, the soldiers and the settlers finally retreated. The next morning, I went with the others to my aunt’s house. On the way, I remember passing the houses and seeing the bullet holes practically everywhere. Every single house we passed on the way to my aunt’s had bullet holes from the previous night. The main street was more like something from a war movie. The Israeli occupation army had tried it best to remove the evidence of the attack, but alas! The time of miracles had long gone. The whole area was filled with journalists. They were all taking photos of the bullet holes visible everywhere, of the destroyed cars, of the shattered windows. They were interviewing everyone on what had happened the night before. In front of my aunt’s house, which was affected greatly by the bullets, one “foreign looking” female journalist was talking to my aunt. The journalist looked at me as I came and stood near my aunt and said: I have a daughter who looks just like you. I don’t want to think of her going through what you went through last night. Then some other journalist came and talked to her in Hebrew and I realized that she was an Israeli. The only Israelis I had known at that time were mostly the armed soldiers and the fanatic settlers. Being there to report on what the Zionist settlers had done to us, and telling me, indirectly, she didn’t like what had happened was one thing I never forgot. I stood among that sea of reporters and residents, drowned in the sound of questions, comments and watching the Israeli army jeeps patrolling the main street as if telling us: don’t tell much or else, when the reporters eventually go we will be here. Among this sea of reporters, residents and soldiers I looked up and saw my aunt and the Israeli reporter: there they were, two mothers, talking about what had happened the night before, and I remember, a naive child at the time, thinking: if the Israelis themselves feared the settlers so much, why don’t they say NO to the settlers? It was on that or on a following day that we heard from the Israeli reporters, and they had access to Israeli settler media, that among the attackers was one “newly converted Jew” who had just moved to Kiyat Arba’. The attack on Dheisheh was some sort of initiation ritual for this new member of Kiryat Arba’.
Read more here...

MSNBC w/ Cenk: Matt Taibi - Magic Money Printing Machine at The Fed


Three weeks ago the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) published a notice, as it is legally required to do, announcing that Israel has ordered massive quantities of various fuels suitable for military use, and in the case of the order for JP-8 jet fuel, suitable only for military use.

The massive order is valued at some $2 billion and, as well as the 284 million gallons (1.075 billion litres) of JP-8 jet fuel, the order also includes 60 million gallons (227 million litres) of unleaded gasoline and 100 million gallons (378 million litres) of diesel fuel."
Last week I wrote of how it would not be possible for Israel to mount a ‘unilateral’ strike against Iran because Israel would require complete connivance and support for such a strike from the US. I explained, as I have in the past, how it would be necessary for the US to supply the massive amounts of fuel need for such a strike. If Israel were to strike Iran, Israel would only require the massive amounts of jet fuel and over a billion litres of jet fuel would be more that enough to do the job in practical terms.

If Israel were planning to strike Iran then that would explain the requirement for the large amounts of JP-8 fuel. However, it does not explain Israel’s need for such large amounts of gasoline and diesel fuel since an Israeli strike against Iran is unlikely to include any type of ground incursion into Iran for which these fuels would be used. The only conclusion one can draw, if Israel is not planning to actually invade Iran, which, clearly, it could not, is that Israel is planning to use the gasoline and the diesel fuel for some other ground incursion – and that can only mean an invasion of Lebanon and possibly the Gaza and West Bank when an attack against Iran is launched.

This massive order begs the question; is the final confrontation imminent? And, if not, then what is all this fuel for?

Time will tell. Jet fuel, if it’s going to be used in peak condition, doesn’t have a very long shelf life.

You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate.

--Jay Leno

America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.

--Jay Leno

Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it. --ConanO'Brien

Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser. --Jay Leno

Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners. --David Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America ! --Jimmy Fallon

Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers. --Jimmy Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road. --David Letterman

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Awakening As One | uniting the way to the new world: "The Plan – “The Awakenin"

The Awakening Trilogy – “The Prophecy”

It is with humble hearts and much gratitude that we present the “The Prophecy” as the third film in Awakening As One’s “Awakening Trilogy”. Though we refer to it here as a trilogy, our feeling is that the three films (The Call, The Plan & The Prophecy) are in fact One; one film, with one message, coming from One Heart, One Mind & One Spirit, Awakening us to our Oneness with ourselves, the Earth, each other… and All.
Each film was produced with the intention of planting seeds of remembrance and Awakening, which are then developed further in the film which follows. Thus, we encourage all who have come to view “The Prophecy” to start once again at the beginning, to see what might be revealed by watching the film, as One.
Also in the spirit of watching the films “as One”, we humbly urge people to GATHER and view these films TOGETHER; for it has been said that “truth acknowledged in numbers unites hearts.” And though the experience of having these films echo your own thoughts and feelings can be quite profound in a world where such truths are given little voice; that feeling of online resonance is nothing compared to having such thoughts and perspectives echoed back by 5, 10 or 50 other peace-loving individuals who are gathered together in a physical space. That said, we invite you to USE these videos. Download them. Show them. Share them.
As the means to create them was gifted to us, so too do we gift them to you,
so that you may gift them… to the All.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and for UPDATES on the Global response for “The Call” to unite, check our progress.
The Call – “The Awakening Trilogy Pt.1

“The Call” is a call from the heart, and for the heart, to inspire people to unite in genuine selfless service of the Earth and all living things.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to allow smooth viewing of the video click HD on the video’s screen to turn HD off, and allow the video to fully load before viewing.

The Call - "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 1 from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

Scientific Source Information for “The Call”

Solar Activity & Magnetic Fields
Solar Cycle Progression – presented by NOAA
National Geographic – North Pole on the Move
LiveScience- other planets heating up
Sat-Nav Device Errors as Solar Activity Rises – BBC
Solar Storm Rising – Ervin Laszlo
Cosmic Rays – Technical Paper
Cosmo Learning – Attack of the Sun
The Plan – “The Awakening Trilogy” Pt. 2

“The Plan” appeals to the mind and shows how Unity, Truth, Compassion and Selflessness may bring balance and healing to the Earth.

"The Plan" Remastered from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

The Prophecy – “The Awakening Trilogy” Pt. 3

“The Prophecy” brings the message of “The Awakening Trilogy” to its peak of inspiration and empowerment by shining a light, through the fear and confusion surrounding the Mayan December 21st, 2012 date. Created with great care and attention to the Wisdom of our Spiritual Elders and that of certain new scientists “The Prophecy” tells the story of 2012 with light and clarity.

The Prophecy - "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 3 from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

Birth of a New Humanity, Mayan Prophecies & Cosmic Rays
Prophecies & Science of a Golden Age by David Wilcock (See parts 1, 2, 3, & 4)
Cygnus Mystery by Andrew Collins (See parts 1 – 6)
Galactic Alignment – Indigenous Perspective (See parts 1,2 & 3)
The Book of Destiny
Spontaneous Evolution
Solar Activity & Magnetic Fields
Solar Cycle Progression – presented by NOAA
LiveScience- other planets heating up
Solar Storm Rising – Ervin Laszlo
Cosmo Learning – Attack of the Sun
The Definition – addendum to “The Awakening Trilogy”

According to the Mayans September 23rd, 2010 marks our entrance into a new period of the prophecies known as “The Definition”, which will continue until December 21, 2012. During this period of time, it is believed that the increasing intensity of world events will have an impact on the positive growth of human consciousness; by inspiring people to unite and co-create harmonious new systems, out of love for the Earth and all living things. To learn more about this fascinating period of time, and to hear some of the events that could potentially unfold, and how they would inspire our spontaneous evolution, we invite you to watch “The Definition.”

The Prophecy - "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 3 from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

“The Signs”
And so now, we ask you to center yourself in your heart, and consider how each of the following events have been designed to further our awakening by encouraging us to let go of what no longer serves us, and inspiring us to help and be helped by others.
First of all, considering that it was only a couple of weeks after we entered the period known to the Mayans as “The Purification” that we saw the collapse of the World Trade Centers, it is likely that within a month or two of entering “The Definition” we could see an event of equal or greater global impact to that of September 11th, 2001.
Following reports from various trend forecasters ranging from esteemed politicians like Congressman Ron Paul, to reputed Research Agencies such as Gerald Celente’s Trends, that predicted the American economic collapse of 2008; many people believe that the worst economic collapse of American history will occur in the fall of 2010.
It is thought by some that this next stage of financial collapse, in a country where so many have already lost their homes and livelihood, could result in a crisis situation, as the sudden financial losses could spark fears leading to riots similar to those seen in Greece, in May of this year.
Another factor that some believe could add to the intensity of this scenario would be a significant increase in the number of deaths during this year’s flu season. As detailed in reports that surfaced in the fall of 2009 surrounding the arrest of micro biologist Joseph Moshe, it is believed that in 2010 as many as 15 to 20 million people around the world could die because of Baxter Pharmaceutical’s h1n1 vaccine. (See Video for more details.)
An event such as this could be enough to spark the economic collapse, or if it happened in the midst of an already crumbled economy, the combined tensions from the deaths and economic instability would greatly fuel the potential for riots and chaos.
It is thought by some that such chaos could result in the initiation of emergency measures such as declaring martial law, and instilling the reportedly defunct Security and Prosperity Partnership. This program now carried out in the guise of the North American Leaders Summit could effectively unite the American economies, and decrease national sovereignties.
With the economies united and people calmed or quieted by the force of martial law, things though greatly changed, would return to some semblance of “normalcy” just as they did in the wake of 9/11. And in this strange quiet people will be given the choice of whether they wish to hold on to a system that they no longer believe in, out of fear for themselves; or whether they will choose to unite with others and co-create a new way, out of love for the all.
All those for whom this choice becomes clear, will be freed from their hesitation, and instantly united with others who are willing to commit the total sum of their love, wisdom and resources to the furtherance of the immediate divine objectives for humanity and the Earth.
And in much the same way that the Eighth Sign of the Hopi Prophecies states: “we will see many youth, who wear their hair long like our people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn our ways and wisdom.”
And for those who have already made their choice, the work that we do today, is re-shaping the probabilities for tomorrow.
Have faith, for we are…
Awakening As One.

"What in the World are They Spraying?" - Official Trailer

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vaccination Assault on The Species--Patrick Rattigan ND

Vaccination - Assault on the Species

by Pat Rattigan ND

Variolea Vaccinae - the Birth of the Fraud
Scarlet Fever and Cholera
Hepatitis B
Dog Vaccination
Blood Poison
The Medical Assault on the Brain
Vaccine Promotion
Hidden Hand
Fundamental Flaws
The Meningitis Vaccine

[From Truth Campaign Magazine 15]

Variolae Vaccinae – the birth of the fraud

In May 1796, Edward Jenner, acting upon ‘a superstition among the dairymaids of Gloucestershire that a person who had suffered from cowpox would never have smallpox,’ 1 inoculated one James Phillips with lymph from a cowpox vesicle on the hand of a dairymaid: in June he inoculated the boy with smallpox.
‘…it was on the strength of this solitary experiment that Jenner had launched his discovery upon the world, claiming that cowpox was a prophylactic against smallpox, while to give some sort of scientific colour to the claim he labelled cowpox with the name "Variolae Vaccinae" (smallpox of the cow)...the picture of the whole of the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons swallowing the theory of an unqualified country apothecary, based on one totally unreliable experiment, seems scarcely credible.’ 2
However, there was a very good reason for the medics’ rush to embrace the groundless myth and to lavish praise, credit and cash – £30,000 at late 18th century value, i.e. a large fortune – on the enterprising Jenner. Earlier, the Royal College of Physicians had declared, in an attempt to protect their inoculation from foreign criticism: ‘it is now held by the English in greater esteem and practised among them more extensively than ever it was before...the college thinks it to be highly salutary to the human race.’

In 1838, however, after the final straw – another fierce outbreak of smallpox due to inoculation – the authorities had, finally, seen enough; the practice was banned under threat of imprisonment in 1840.

This left the medical deities with severely dented egos and with a valuable source of income curtailed; a situation they were keen to reverse as soon as possible. Jenner's wheeze provided the opportunity.

‘The medical authorities who had solemnly recommended inoculation as beneficial had been compelled to admit that it was spreading smallpox and increasing the number of cases of deaths. Doctors were, therefore, glad to welcome what purported to be a non-infectious process for which so much was claimed...from that time the Government protected vaccination from enquiry and criticism. Failures were not considered and misleading statistics were accepted.’ 3 Nothing changes.
The smallpox vaccine is produced by shaving the bellies of calves and then making long slashes in the skin, into which are rubbed smallpox cultures. Fever sets in and the wounds fester; a scab forms over a reservoir of poison as the increasingly sick, immobilised animal is prevented from licking the wound to try to ease the intense suffering. After six days the calf is bound and strapped to an operating table, the vesicles are clamped and the mixture of skin, flesh, pus, blood and hair is scraped off, mixed, sieved and transferred to containers.

After this potion was injected into the blood of the nation's children the largest UK epidemic of smallpox ever known began: with a peak of 42,000 deaths in 1871-2 alone. The graph line of smallpox deaths, which would probably have disappeared around 1870, was still there in the 1920s as isolation eventually defeated the medically-created plague.

After the vaccine-induced fiasco, Leicester rejected vaccination and decided to rely on hygiene and sanitation. In 1892-3 Leicester had 19.3 cases of smallpox per 10,000 population; Warrington – 99.2 vaccinated – had 123.3 cases. The Warrington death-rate was over 8 times higher than Leicester. (Wallace: The Wonderful Century , 1898) Dewsbury also rejected vaccination and, with Leicester had the lowest death-rates in the country.

‘I remember Sheffield and its epidemic in 1887-8. No less than 98 per cent of the population had been vaccinated...the public vaccinators had reaped a richer harvest of bonuses for "successful vaccination" than those of any other town and yet they had 7,000 cases of smallpox. It originated and clung to an insanitary area of 175 acres of cesspits...called The Croft.
The medical profession helplessly called "vaccinate" and "re-vaccinate" – as if the public had not already had enough. At last the flood-gates of heaven were mercifully opened and the bountiful rains accomplished what 56,000 vaccinations had failed to effect...

I call to mind the case of one adult male I interviewed...He was vaccinated in infancy, had smallpox when eight years old and was subsequently re-vaccinated three times. That man died of smallpox...when the official report was published...owing to his having the eruption so badly as to cover his vaccination marks, he was actually declared to be "unvaccinated".’ 4

In 1903 the USA seized the Philippines and set up a military dictatorship. ‘The first thing the US regime did was to enforce a country-wide vaccination drive. The Filipinos had been a healthy people living their simple, happy life out in the tropical woodlands with pure air, clean water, natural foods...Smallpox was almost unknown...

‘They did not want the shots, but they were rounded up...and herded into the vaccination centres for the shots of poison...the first large epidemic was in 1905...a continuous 1923 when General Wood started suppressing reports to make it appear that he had conquered smallpox and 'ended the scourge'...
‘In the remote islands...the Filipinos had a better chance to the cities the epidemics reached the point of a major disaster.’ 5

After 15 years of intensive vaccination there were 47,000 cases and 16,000 deaths in 1918 alone.6 Smallpox was not the only effect of the vaccine campaign: ‘…in 1918-20...Malaria took 93,000, influenza 91,000, tuberculosis 80,000...dysentery, cholera and typhus together...70,000.’ 48

As an added bonus: ‘there was not one leper in the whole of the Hawaiian Islands before the noble work of Jenner reached them. By the nineties, 10 percent of the natives were lepers.’ 48

To test the effectiveness of natural immunity versus vaccination, the non-vaccinated staff of the naturopathic Kingston Clinic in Edinburgh challenged six doctors to join them in a smallpox isolation unit.

The medics had the very good sense not to take up the offer.7

The vaccine-promoters have no problem with this graph.
The ‘graph says nothing except that there was a smallpox epidemic in 1870/71.’ Dr W F Bynum of the Wellcome Institute for the (Wellcome version of the) History of Medicine. Smallpox cases ‘that did occur were almost always in unvaccinated persons.’ Fenner et al ‘Smallpox and its Eradication’ 1988.


The first measles vaccine was licensed in 1963. The fact that the death-rate was off the graph and that there was no conceivable reason, other than commercial, for the vaccine's existence, made no difference to the vaccine's promotion by the makers, doctors, media etc.
‘The measles vaccine is a fairly recent innovation of the commercialised blood-poisoning business called vaccination...It was not that it was needed or wanted by the people; it wasn't: nor that measles is a dangerous disease; it isn't: and it was not that the vaccine-promoters had a safe and effective vaccine; they didn't...It was merely that they saw another opportunity to force a different vaccination scheme on the people...The vaccine promoters know the parents...will believe almost anything.’ 5

In a 1986 outbreak of measles, in Corpus Christi, Texas, 99 percent of the children had been vaccinated. 8

In Nov. 1994 the government launched a £3.5 million ‘measles kills’ advertising campaign. Outrageous television advertisements, in suitably-stark black and white, were designed to terrify parents into having their offspring jabbed to prevent the coming epidemic of ‘life-threatening measles’. The adverts. provoked 40 complaints to the ‘Independent Television Commission’, which duly dismissed them.

Over 7 million children were jabbed in the enterprise, which provoked an investigation by the Bulletin of Medical Ethics:

‘ is now possible to draw some interim conclusions...there was never going to be an epidemic in 1995...there was no justification for concomitant rubella immunisations...the government knowingly misled parents about the relative risks of measles and measles immunisation...the Dept. of Health broke the European Union's laws on contracts and tendering to ensure that specific pharmaceutical companies were awarded the contract...
The NHS Supplies Authority negotiated with...Merieux UK and SmithKline Beecham. This must have been extremely fortunate for them since the supplies of measles and rubella vaccine which they had been left with in 1992...were soon to go out of is surprising that companies already supplying MMR were not invited to tender...

Virginia Bottomley hoped to make political capital from the campaign. Her fortunes were already at a low ebb in 1994. To recognise a threat to the Nation's children and to take decisive action could only enhance her standing...the DoH has put out numerous Press releases stating what a good example it was of how this government looks after the health of the Nation.

Of the government doctors involved one can say little...many questions may only be answered by an independent inquiry...the campaign's protagonists misled millions of parents into allowing needles to be stuck into their children for purposes other than those given in public.’ 9

‘Thousands "at risk" as doctors claim link with deadly well as the vaccine being linked to Crohn's may be associated with autism...Public health officials... have been aware of the research linking the vaccine with Crohn's Disease for four years... if the findings of the alarming new research are confirmed the re-vaccination programme could also add the names of thousands of children to what some doctors believe is an already looming medical disaster...

Crohn's a terribly debilitating condition in which the lining of the bowel is destroyed. Sufferers almost invariably require major surgery...’ 10

The research is being done by Dr Andrew Wakefield of the London Royal Free Hospital. He believes that live measles vaccine can cause an immune reaction in the gut, provoking illness up to 20 or more years later: ‘If it is true...there is no health service in the world which will be able to cope in the year 2020 if we do not prepare now.’

After the Nov. ‘94 scam Dr Wakefield urged the government to set up a side-effect monitoring campaign. ‘This wasn't done. One insider said last night: "They told him later they didn't believe him and anyway it wouldn't have made any difference to their plans."’ 10

Other known and suspected effects of the measles vaccine include:

multiple sclerosis
atypical measles
Guillanne-Barre and Reye's Syndromes
...and death.
Also, the vaccine programme has caused the peak incidence of measles to occur in adolescents, adults and infants rather than children of primary school age. The risk of pneumonia and liver abnormalities is greater in the older groups.

‘Before the vaccine was introduced, it was extremely rare for an infant to contract measles. However, by 1993 more than twenty five percent of all measles cases were occurring in babies under a year of age.
CDC officials admit this situation is likely to get worse and attribute it to the numbers of mothers who were vaccinated... when natural immunity is denied, measles protection cannot be passed on their babies.’ 11


Mumps is a mild disorder which, as a rule, lasts, at most, 10 days. Contraction of mumps usually brings life-long immunity to the disease – the vaccine does not. Children who are vaccinated and then later develop mumps in adolescence or adulthood, as some do, are much more likely to suffer severe effects including orchitis, a testicular condition. The Lancet reported that West German authorities had listed twenty seven neurological reactions to the vaccine. Effects include:
febrile convulsions
nerve deafness

Rubella is a harmless malaise, about as serious as the common cold, except when contracted by a woman in the earlier stages of pregnancy, when it can lead to foetal defects. Before the vaccine was introduced the large majority of the population had natural immunity. The vaccine denied the women the chance of this and increased the risk of developing rubella during pregnancy.

In the British Medical Journal, Nov. 16 1987, a report noted thirty two women who, when pregnant, contracted rubella; all the women had been vaccinated or screened and found to be ‘immune’. Nineteen chose to have their babies; one child was born with a defect.

Hilary Butler, of the Immunisation Awareness Society, commented: ‘The reality is that most babies survive rubella "defect-free".’

Trials on the vaccine in the USA have shown a failure rate of ninety three percent. 14 Dr Beverly Allan of the Austin Hospital, Melbourne noted a failure rate of army recruits of eighty percent.15

If there has been an inadequate immune-response to the vaccine, as often happens, according to the Journal of Infant Diseases16 there is a pronounced danger that the person will become a rubella carrier and may develop arthritis and an enlarged thyroid.

‘In some hospitals all employees, except physicians, are required to receive the rubella vaccine. This may be because doctors are the least likely of all hospital personnel to submit to these shots’.13 According to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, ninety percent of the obstetricians and around seventy percent of paediatricians refused the vaccine due to fear of ‘unforeseen vaccine reactions’.

Declined without vaccination
Scarlet Fever

Declined without vaccination

‘Certain vaccines, such as that given for cholera, are known to be of no value...’ GP magazine July 1991 – after countless shots had been sold.

According to Dr J Seal, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: ‘any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillane-Barre.’ In 1976 over 500 people in the US were paralysed by the disease, with thirty dying, after being injected with the vaccine, which is concocted from material taken from influenza victims and then cultivated on mashed chick embryos.
The Post Office dropped its influenza vaccine programme after it showed no improvement in absenteeism. Six hundred elderly vaccinated people in Birmingham showed over double the respiratory disease than a non-vaccinated group. 18 Three people, including a 26-year-old man, died in Chesterfield within 48 hours of being jabbed. 19


In the thirties, due to the number of cases of diphtheria occurring in vaccinated individuals, it was necessary to introduce the practice of re-diagnosis. Trouble-makers, like the Medical Officer for Wath-On-Dearne, did not help, with comments like: ‘Where they have done the most immunising they are getting the most diphtheria.’ 20
In 1927, the Ministry of Health, came up with the idea of using the ‘guinea pig test’ to lessen the embarrassment: patients with obvious diphtheria had to be shown to be harbouring, in the nose or throat, diphtheria bacilli strong enough to kill a guinea-pig.

As up to forty percent of diphtheria patients have none of this bacterium and as the rest may well not have sufficiently powerful bugs to kill a guinea-pig and as the guinea-pig test is totally unreliable, the wheeze had the very welcome effect of the re-diagnosing of vaccinated diphtheria victims as ‘tonsillitis’ or ‘sore throat’.

Another helping hand was provided by the Schick Test: a diphtheria test developed by the enterprising Bela Schick and then banned in Schick's native Austria due to parents whining that it had killed their offspring. Having had his test banned in Europe, he:

‘...brought it to America where he knew the unscrupulous medical and drug trusts dominate the healing field. A lush harvest was promised and the customary pressure technique was turned on and the exploitable public was again used and abused...The Schick Test and diphtheria antitoxin continue to take their toll of lives while our elected officials and public protectors (?) look the other way.’ 21
Having had the dangerous, totally fraudulent and frequently-lethal test laundered by the US drug boys, Schick was able to import it back to the welcoming re-diagnosers in Europe, where, allied to the guinea-pig test it did sterling work for the cause. In Birmingham seventy percent of cases were re-diagnosed. ‘Out of 441 sent in as diphtheria in 1933, 285 were finally diagnosed as tonsillitis.’ 22

Dr J H Parish, of the vaccine-makers, Wellcome Research Laboratories, suggested that ‘apparent’ diphtheria should be known as ‘Tonsillitis in Schick-negative carriers.’ 23 To counter the problem of the diphtheria antitoxin being lethal, the re-diagnosers were again engaged; this time to come up with a revised version of the diphtheria child-death-rate graph.

Prior to the introduction of antitoxin in 1895, diphtheria diagnosis was on clinical symptoms alone: i.e. those who had died of diphtheria were recorded as having died of diphtheria. As of 1895, the diagnosis was based on throat swabs. As so many diphtheria victims did not exhibit the required bacteria, they were adjudged to have died of something else and the graph shows a clear reduction in deaths from diphtheria after the introduction of antitoxin in 1895. As an extra boost to the diphtheria industry, healthy people sometimes exhibited diphtheria bacteria in their nose/throat; these people had, of course, ‘survived diphtheria’ due to the efforts of the dedicated doctors. ‘As a result of this change of view, cases of mild sore throat are now classes as diphtheria – cases which would, in any case, recover, whatever the treatment; and the fatality of diphtheria will be reduced accordingly.’ 24

Germany began compulsory diphtheria vaccination in 1939. When the vaccine saturation was complete there were 150,000 cases of the disease.25 French resistance to the vaccine was ended by the German occupation, leading to 47,000 cases of the illness.21 Norway refused the vaccine and had 50 cases. 25


Sweden stopped whooping cough vaccine in 1979. Germany stopped routine use of the vaccine in 1982: the declines of the diseases continued. This vaccine is, arguably, the most dangerous of the current routine jabs, being a whole cell vaccine and, largely unpurified or refined. It has probably done more damage, per shot, than any other, with the obvious exception of the smallpox vaccine.

Pertussis vaccine promoters often claim that when uptake levels fall, the disease increases. This happened in the USA after a TV documentary slipped through the censor's net and the punters found out some of the reality on the shot. Vaccination levels fell and the predictable outcome was that the authorities announced an increase of the disease.

Dr A J Morris analysed 41 of the cases and found that 5 had real whooping cough and these had all been ‘immunised’. A further study, in Wisconsin, on 43 claimed cases, showed that 16 were real and all these had received the vaccine.26 Professor Gordon Stewart, W.H.O. adviser, said in 1980, on the vaccine: ‘There is no doubt in my mind that, in the UK alone, some hundreds if not thousands of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly, and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked.’

In 1984, of all cases in the US in children of 7 months to 6 years, 46 percent had been vaccinated.13 In Kansas, in 1986, 1,300 cases were reported. Of those whose vaccine status was known, 90 percent were ‘adequately vaccinated’. 27

U.K. vaccination levels fell to 32 percent in 1978 due to the pushers being no longer able to hide the cases of brain damage. An epidemic in 1978/79 was, naturally, claimed to be due to the reduced vaccine uptake. What they did not disclose was that the epidemic affected those in all of the relevant age spectrum and those who had been vaccinated. 28

‘My name is Donna Gary. I am a constituent of Senator Edward Kennedy's from Massachusetts. Our family should have celebrated our very first grand daughter's first birthday last month... Lee Ann was just eight weeks old when her mother took her... for her...first DPT inoculation...this lovable, extremely alert baby had never produced such a blood-curdling scream as she did at the moment the shot was given... four hours later, Lee Ann was dead. 'Crib death' the doctor said 'SIDS'.
‘Could it be connected to the shot?’ her parents implored.


‘But she just had her first DPT shot.’

‘No, no connection at all,’ said the emergency room doctor, definitely.’ 29

‘My name is Janet Ciotoli. I am a New York State mother...Our second son, Richie, received his first DPT vaccination at two months of age. Within hours Richie displayed similar symptoms as our first child – a red hot swollen leg, diarrhoea and cat-like screaming...I didn't get my usual baby smiles that day...his hands were so cold...that evening I called the doctor...Richie died in my arms...My husband and our five year old son watched paralysed as I tried desperately to give life back to our baby...

My husband and I were led behind a drawn curtain...There our Richie lay on a stretcher, cold and lifeless...

Our scream of pain and grief will forever ring in my ears.’ 29

In the Northern Territories of Australia, according to Drs A Kalokerinos and G Dettman, vaccination was killing one in two Aboriginal children. In a two year period without vaccination the death rate was nil.

‘One of the easiest ways to prevent cot-death is to prevent multi-factual insults to the body; by not vaccinating.’
Dr Dettman

Dr Viera Scheibner PhD, arguably the most experienced vaccine researcher in the world, stated:

‘…vaccination is the single most prevalent and preventable cause of infant deaths.’
Japan virtually eliminated cot-death by dropping the whooping cough vaccine for babies.


During World War II there were 12 recorded cases of tetanus, of which, 4 were vaccinated. 30
Persons wishing to contract tetanus, or to endow their offspring with it, should first collect samples from the soil, dustbins, sewers etc.: this should then be sent for analysis to determine the presence of tetanus spores. When the confirmed spores are returned, a deep gash should be made in the arm into which the spores should be placed, the skin pinched to trap the spores and the arm bandaged to exclude the air. Persons not immune to tetanus should then contract the disease.

As the above practice is widespread, it is understandable why every child and every hospital case involving broken skin needs to be jabbed routinely with a vaccine whose side effects include seizures, high fever, Guillane-Barre Syndrome, fatal anaphylactic shock, neurological damage...,31 abscess, inner ear damage, myelin damage… 32


Even during an epidemic, the wild polio virus produces no discernible symptoms in over 90 percent of those exposed to it. 33 This, of course, has not stopped the vaccine boys et al propagating the myth that whole populations are in grave danger of paralysis if they are not ‘protected’.
‘The number of reported cases of polio following mass inoculations with the killed live virus vaccine was significantly greater than before mass inoculations and may have doubled in the US…’ 13
In the late 1940s it was noticed that diphtheria vaccination was leading to paralytic polio. A government inquiry found that over one third of cases of paralytic polio in children under the age of two occurred within three months of diphtheria vaccination. 34

‘Millions of people have been inoculated with the anti-polio vaccine contaminated with the tumoral virus SV 40, which in origin was present in the monkeys.’ Prof J Clausen, Institute of Preventative Medicine, Odense, Denmark. Up to 500 million people may have received the vaccine which was cultivated on the kidneys of the green monkey. 45

Dr F Klinner commented: ‘Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccines, being made of monkey tissue, have been directly responsible for the major increase of leukaemia in this country.’

In the Lancet a report stated ‘Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis in Oman...among fully vaccinated children.’ 35

Whilst the sane mind might expect that the vaccine might be declared harmful or, at least, useless, and withdrawn, the vaccine combine had a better idea. What was really needed was more vaccination. Recommendations were to increase the dose at birth and at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age with additional doses when other vaccines were given.

According to the US Centres for Disease Control, Feb 1992: ‘from 1980 thru 1989, every case of polio in the US (excluding imported cases) was caused by the vaccine.’

Being near to a polio-vaccinated baby can be a major risk. An English professor at Cornell University, Bernard Reis, was paralysed by polio a month after the vaccination of his child. Kay McNeary was awarded $1.1 million after being crippled by polio after changing her baby's nappy.


‘The world's biggest trial (conducted in Southern India) to assess the value of the BCG tuberculosis vaccine has made the startling revelation that the vaccine 'does not give any protection against the bacillary forms of tuberculosis'.’
New Scientist Nov 1979.

There was worse to come.

The ‘exhaustive and meticulous’ study, involving 260,000 people, found more TB in the vaccinated group than in the non-vaccinated.

After this, scientifically-valid vaccine trials were abandoned.

Holland had the lowest death-rate from TB in Europe due to the fact that it rejected the TB vaccine. The French government forced, by law, the vaccine onto all French children: Prof. Mercie, of the Pasteur Institute, who produced and sold the useless shots, explained ‘It helps finance the Institute's research.’

TB is now making a widespread comeback, particularly in intensively-vaccinated tropical countries.

Hepatitis B

In 1988 New Zealand announced ‘the most extensive national immunization programme against hepatitis B in the world.’ In seven districts of NZ all the babies were to be jabbed; as were the offspring of selected mothers who had Hep B, in the rest of the country.
Within three months all the area co-ordinators of the stunt were informed that the side-effect reports were piling up: asthma, arthritis, Guillane-Barre Syndrome, loss of consciousness, lowered blood pressure, jaundice... Another effect of the shot was to make the other vaccines – DPT, polio – even more dangerous.

Breaking with the time-honoured vaccinators’ tradition of carry-on-regardless-whatever-the-mayhem, New Zealand decided to cut its losses and suddenly dropped the programme. 36 According to Dr Robert Mendelson, two thirds of doctors eligible for the Hep B jab reject it. 37 Between 1990 and 1994 the US body monitoring the vaccines reported 12.000 ‘adverse events’ including death. 38


The ‘search for a vaccine and cure for AIDS’ has become a multi-billion dollar, multi-national enterprise. The obscene scam has two distinct facets – both invented. One is that AIDS is a single disease and the other is that it is ‘caused’ by the H.I. virus (or the ‘HIV virus’ as some like to call it – perhaps they think the V stands for volcano). These two total fabrications have created an empire of animal-and human-torturing fraud of impressive proportions.
In Japan, AIDS is virtually unknown; yet, in random tests, 25% of people were found to be ‘HIV-positive’; a virtually meaningless label which can be produced by a response to a vaccination, malnutrition, MS, measles, influenza, papilloma virus wart, Epstein Barr virus, leprosy, hepatitis b and c, syphillis, glandular fever...over sixty conditions.

The ‘HIV causes AIDS’ hoax was created by Robert Gallo, who was found guilty of ‘scientific misconduct’.

‘...instead of trying to prove his insane theories about AIDS to his peers...he went public. Then, with the help of Margaret Heckler, former head of health and human services, who was under great political pressure to come up with an answer to AIDS, the infamous world press announcement of the discovery of the so-called AIDS virus came about. This great fraud is now responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands...It was no accident that Gallo just happened to patent the test for HIV the day after the announcement...
Gallo is now a multi-millionaire because of AIDS and his fraudulent AIDS test.’

Dr Robert Willner

Wilner injected himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, a HIV-positive haemophiliac, on live Spanish TV; an event which made the front pages of the Spanish national press but did not arouse any interest in the USA or the UK.

‘HIV... is one thousandth the size of a regular cell...HIV is simply a harmless piece of dead tissue, not unlike the numerous other retroviruses that exist in our body.’ –Willner.
By grouping together 25-plus different diseases and other allied factors – tuberculosis, pneumonia, candidiasis, herpes, salmonella, various cancers, infections, vaccine/antibiotic damage, amyl nitrate damage etc. – and calling the whole thing an ‘AIDS epidemic’, a multi-billion dollar/pound/yen ‘AIDS research’ and ‘treatment’ racket has been created.

At the same time, a large group of homosexuals, blacks, drug-users, Hispanics, the homeless and the rest of the undesirables have been easy prey for the social-cullers and the drug boys, particularly Wellcome who make the immune-system wrecking amyl nitrate poppers and also the lethal AZT, which is used on the ‘HIV-positive’ victims of the nitrates!

AZT began as a cancer drug but was withdrawn for being too toxic – like being thrown out of the Gestapo for cruelty. ‘Side’ effects include cancer, hepatitis, dementia, seizures, anxiety, leukopaenia, severe nausea, impotence, ataxia, insomnia and DNA-synthesis termination. i.e. AIDS/death by prescription. AZT eventually kills all who continue to take it.

None of which stops the medical trade from pushing it on every trusting sap who is not ill to start with but finds him/herself labelled with the ‘HIV-positive’ nonsense and is then destroyed by AZT, with AIDS getting the blame and more millions pouring in for the drug boys, vivisectors, animal breeders and their on-the-payroll media pals.

The triple combination of the ‘HIV-positive’ diagnosis, the prognosis – stated or implied – ‘You will die of AIDS’ and ‘treatment’ with the deadly AZT is one of the great pieces of Medical Black Magic – Voodoo Medicine at its most impressive.

500 of the world's leading scientists are now disputing the HIV/AIDS hoax. Their efforts continually suppressed by the medical establishment, the pharma/vivisection syndicate, the BBC and the rest.

‘As applied, the HIV useless as a medical hypothesis.’
Dr Kary Mullis Nobel Prize 1993.

‘The sentences of death accompanying the medical diagnosis of AIDS should be abolished.’

Dr Alfred Hassig.

‘I have seen the constant terror and the programming to get sick and die.’

Michael Ellner – medical hypnotist.

‘I am well convinced HIV is harmless.’

Dr Fabio Franchi.

‘The AIDS epidemic was a mirage.’

Prof Hiram Caton.

Dog Vaccination

‘I have been breeding for 47 years and showing for 37 years. You could not give me a dog if I knew it had been inoculated.’ 40
Whilst the UK human cancer death rate has long been out of control, the dog cancer rate is, per head of population, fifty times greater: over a million dogs, per year, die of cancer – or the treatment.

Interim figures from the Canine Health Census 41 showed that, of those dogs whose owners had reported cancer amongst their animals, 31 percent occurred within three months of vaccination. Of those with a cancerous tumour or other growth at the vaccination site, 67 percent were within three months. Other three month vaccine/disease correlations included:

diarrhoea – 68%
allergies – 55%
auto-immune diseases – 55%
colitis – 57%
epilepsy – 65%
loss of appetite – 80%
nervousness – 55%
skin problems – 46%
vomiting – 72%
weight-loss – 63%
behavioural problems – 55%
encephalitis – 75%
kidney damage – 40%
lameness – 52%
liver damage – 47%
rear-end paralysis – 64%
nasal discharges – 84%
‘...overall, 55% of all illnesses reported by participants, occurred within the first three months of vaccination. If the vaccine had no bearing on the illness, you would expect to see no more than 25%... 41.75% of all illnesses start within 30 days after vaccination...if vaccination had no would expect only 8.2%... 24.56% of illness occurred within seven days, when statistically it should only be 1.92%...’ 42
Where dogs contracted the disease they were supposed to be vaccinated against, the three month figures are:

hepatitis – 63%
parainfluenza – 50%
parvovirus – 68%
leptospirosis – 100%...
‘This supports the view that either vaccines don't protect or can cause the disease itself.’ 42
‘Routine vaccination is probably the worst thing we do to our animals. They cause all types of illnesses.’
Christina Chambreau DVM

‘Acute "diseases" are discharges of toxins and energies...preventing these discharges, vaccines result in chronic disorders.’

Russell Swift DVM

‘...introducing foreign material via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection is extremely upsetting...In response to this violation there has been increased auto-immune disease, epilepsy, neoplasia, behavioural problems.’

Mike Kohn DVM

Blood Poison

The DPT vaccine contains: diphtheria bacterium, pertussis organisms, tetanus toxoid, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, mercury, aluminium…
MMR contains: live measles virus, live mumps virus – both grown in chick embryo cell cultures – live rubella virus – grown in foetus medium, neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolised gelatin…
Polio-live: 3 types of virus grown in monkey cell tissue and calf serum, neomycin, streptomycin, sorbitol…
Polio-inactivated: inactivated viruses as above, formaldehyde, polymyxin B…
Hib: haemophilus influenza type B saccharides, sodium chloride, aluminium, hydroxide, mercury…
Hepatitis B: part of the hepatitis B gene, aluminium hydroxide, mercury, formaldehyde…
Until stocks ran out, the Hep B shot was derived from the blood of homosexual men infected with Hep B; the typhoid vaccine derives from human excrement; the whooping cough vaccine is from the mucus of infected children. Until it was quietly changed to pig gelatin, the MMR used cow material. It is not known how many millions of children were injected with gelatin from BSE-infected cattle.

Vaccines injected directly into the blood stream are not subject to the body's total, protective immune response; they by-pass most of the system, which begins at the mouth, nose and skin. The animal-derived proteins and viruses, carcinogenic chemicals, toxic metals etc. directly affect the blood, cells, tissues and major bodily organs.

‘...alien viruses, injected into the body, fuse with healthy cells and continue to replicate along with those cells… the immune system...can no longer differentiate...foreign proteins...injected directly into the bloodstream...are able to change our genetic structure... viral vaccines...contain pure genetic material...from a foreign organism...the new genetic material is incorporated into the invaded cells.’ 13
All vaccinated individuals are vaccine-damaged. It would not be possible to carry out such a procedure without some degree of mutation. It is simply a question of time, location and degree.
‘Some of the health hazards from vaccination include cancer, leukaemia, multiple sclerosis, autism, lupus, mental retardation, blindness, asthma, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, encephalitis, paralysis, tuberculosis, cot- death, liver, kidney and heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, meningitis, glue- ear. learning difficulties…’ Sue Marston author of The Vaccination Connection which took ten years of intensive research.
One of the vaccine disinformation leaflets, which the UK vaccine lobby’s bureaucratic wing ‘The Health Education Authority’, issued was titled:- ‘GIVE YOUR CHILD SOMETHING YOU NEVER HAD’!!

According to the latest survey of Mortality Statistics from General Practice, in the ten years to 1992, childhood cancer almost tripled, serious illness in children increased by an average of 85%. The asthma plague-like cot-death, due to vaccine-induced damage of the vagus nerve – is rampant. Diabetes in under-5-year-olds, is increasing at a rate of over ten percent per year over the past ten years, corresponding to the introduction of the MMR vaccines. 43

Over 250,000 7-15 year-olds suffer from migraine and almost a quarter of children are suffering some form of mental illness – Observer 19.9.93.

Doctors are understandably reluctant to admit that their vaccines are responsible for a child's disease. A diagnosis of the cause as ‘genetic’, ‘congenital’ or ‘mystery’ is much more comforting.

‘...when the baby is nine months or a year old, the parents at length realise that he cannot see, hear or speak or is mentally retarded. Since no other cause...can be determined, the physician decides that it was present at birth. But by this time the baby will have received three DPT shots...capable of causing blindness, deafness, loss of speech, epilepsy, and mental retardation…’ 44
Arguably, the mechanism by which most vaccine damage occurs, is the destruction of the myelin basic protein around the nerves, and the subsequent encephalitis and many other effects.

‘Almost any...vaccination can lead to a non-infectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system...The common denominator consists of a vasculopathy that is often...associated with demyelination.’ – Charles M Poser Neurologist. ‘...when the...vaccination programmes inject harmful toxins into... children, the myelination process is interrupted...and minimal brain damage occurs.’ 45
The Medical Assault on the Brain

The myriad of chronic conditions – physical and mental – with which the surviving victims of the smallpox vaccine campaign were left, formed the foundation of the huge explosion of national ill-health which followed. Genetic mutations are handed down to successive generations – and are compounded immeasurably with every new vaccine.
‘In regions where there is no organised vaccination of the population, general paralysis is rare. It is impossible to deny a connection between vaccination and the encephalitis which follows it.’
Journal of the American Medical Association, July 3 1926.

‘Cases of cerebral symptoms, suggesting encephalitis, following vaccination have been reported from Holland, Czechoslovakia and Germany. From Switzerland there have been reported cases of meningitis.’

New York State Journal of Medicine, May 15 1926.

According to Dr H L Coulter PhD, 44 the primary cause of encephalitis is vaccination.

The connection of encephalitis with innumerable conditions – autism, enuresis, insomnia, severe headaches, paraplegia, stuttering, diarrhoea, night terrors etc. etc. – was not generally publicised even amongst scientific circles until 1982, when Geschwind and Behan published their findings linking several facets of the post-encephalitic syndrome.

‘Their article caused a bit of a sensation in scientific circles because of the basic inability of the professions to imagine what the connecting thread...could be. We now know that vaccinations are the connecting thread, but for physicians and professionals to openly admit that would mean the loss of their professional licence and livelihood which would, of course, serve them right...It must be strange to be trapped in that vicious circle of professional deceit.’ 45
In the early 1940s a new mental syndrome, which Leo Kanner called autism, was noted. It appeared in the wake of the US pertussis vaccine schemes. After the war the US occupied Japan and forcibly vaccinated the children: their first case of autism was diagnosed in 1945. In England the shot was subject to large scale promotion in the late fifties: a society for autistic children was founded in 1962. 44 In the USA, at first, the malady was noticed in higher income families.

This was before the free or forced pertussis vaccine programmes; only the better-off parents could afford the ‘latest medical advance’. Later, ‘...parents from across the socio-economic spectrum gained equal access... Thus, autistic children were now being discovered within every kind of family and in dreadfully greater numbers than ever before imagined.’ 44

According to Coulter: ‘A large proportion of the millions of US children suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called developmental difficulties, owe their disorders to one or other of the vaccines.’ Coulter also lays the blame for the huge increase in criminal behaviour squarely at the feet of the vaccinators: ‘A large body of research has been done on the neurological status of persons involved in violent crime. They seem to have a very high incidence of typical post-encephalitic sequelae...We have produced a generation of neurological defectives. The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of society.’

As UK vaccination levels reach US heights, the same phenomena are increasingly evident here. According to Coulter, these children are alienated, paranoid, have severe ego weakness or low esteem, are anxious, depressed, frustrated, are precociously sexual, have increased tendency towards alcohol and drug dependency...etc.

The ever-increasing violence within schoolchildren, the level of ‘special needs’, the growing permanent exclusions from school, the fascination with fire – leading to ever-more arson attacks – are inevitable.

As post-vaccinal encephalitis can affect any area of the nervous system, any disease condition may be created – ‘...every possible physical, intellectual and personality deviation, and combinations of them are possible,’ 13 including, of course, the creation of deviants who, although of primary school age, can torment and kill an infant.

On an international scale: ‘Rwanda was the site of the mass murder and genocide perpetrated by the mentally-aberrant Tutsi's on the Hutu tribe...250,000 people hacked to death and dismembered in 1994. Could the aggression have been created by generations of virus-laden experimental vaccines producing post-encephalitic problems?’ 45

In the wake of the Dunblane and Port Arthur massacres, television discussions on the mental states of the perpetrators, contained comments on the condition, Asperger's Syndrome – a variant of autism. All cases of autism are caused by vaccinosis.

Vaccine Promotion

If Doctor, aided and abetted by Nurse, the receptionist, the surgery cleaner, the ‘health-visitor’ etc. can cajole, threaten, intimidate and bully 90 percent of the parents of the under-2-year-olds on Doctor's list into having their offspring permanently damaged, Doctor receives – on top of everything else – an extra £2,235. This scheme was brought in by the Conservative government on All Fools Day 1990. The payments were increased to put considerable pressure on the GPs to meet vaccine targets.
As there never was an atom of evidence as to the safety or effectiveness of any vaccine, that government’s obsession might be explained by a desire to maximise the profits of its very good friends in the petro-pharmaceutical industry – both from the vaccine sales and the ‘medication’ to treat the huge fall-out of vaccine damage and then more ‘medication’ for the side-effects of the previous lot and so on.

The British Broadcasting Corporation has always played a central role in the promotion of vaccination and the suppression of all information detrimental to the vaccine industry.

In 1926, Dr W.R.Hadwen wrote: ‘Ever since the BBC has been controlled by government authorities, all questions approaching a medical nature have been submitted to the Ministry of Health and anything which runs counter to the prevailing fashion...has been promptly rejected...Upon the other hand, the Ministry of Health has permitted...medical matters to be broadcast...We have had Pasteur and Pasteurism extolled, vaccination vindicated, the filthy useless and dangerous vaccines and serums...crudely advertised. These things have been worked into lectures in the most subtle way. We have complained again and again, the BBC officials have always been ready with an excuse...It is a burning scandal...’ 46

In 1965, Lionel Dole 48 observed, of the BBC World Service: ‘...a constant stream of vaccine…boosting...kept going in about 72 languages, day and night..’

This BBC tradition of bias and disinformation – funded by the captive licence-payer and in blatant contempt for the 1990 Broadcasting Act – has carried on throughout the whole of the relentless rise of the vaccine empire and the inextricably-linked vivisection industry. Transparent ‘medical correspondents’ or ‘science editors’ supply a constant stream of false information on vaccine safety: the easily-refuted myth of the conquest of infectious disease by the vaccines is regularly paraded.

One of the subtlest ways that the BBC has used to promote vaccination was in a programme on vaccine-damage victims, on BBC Radio 4 ‘Face the Facts’ – 19 June 1997. Here, the presenter stated: ‘They suffer so the rest of us may enjoy happy, healthy lives...’ This theme was repeated by the parents: ‘If he has paid the price with his little life for other people's children...’ and ‘When the Minister goes home tonight and the MPs go home...and look at their children playing happily...remember my child and our children paid the price.’

To add further weight, a totally-in-the-dark MP – they could have chosen from over 600 – was enlisted: ‘If, as a community, we embark on a public health programme, and children suffer as a result of that programme, albeit for the best of reasons, then we have an those children...’ etc.

The presenter stated: ‘By last year, 1996, 96% of children were immunised against diphtheria, tetanus and polio, 94 % against whooping cough and 92 % against measles, mumps and rubella. The reward was the lowest incidence of childhood diseases in our history.’

The political set-up showed its use as a public protector, where vaccines are concerned, in a Parliamentary question in March 1997:

‘To ask the Secretary of State...if he will list for each of the nine MMR vaccines for which the product licence has been cancelled, the date on which the product licence was granted; whether the licensing of the vaccine was on the advice of the Committee on Safety of Medicines; on what date each cancellation took place; what safety concerns had been identified for each vaccine by the Medicines Control Agency and under whose direction the licence was withdrawn.’
The answer was: ‘...Information regarding the cancellation of product licences is commercially confidential. The recommendations of the Committee on Safety of Medicines are confidential.’

‘ITN News at Ten filmed and edited a news item about the vaccines, but it was shelved after representations from the Department of Health. One of the leading medical journals...has forbidden us to quote directly...from peer reviewed articles about vaccine safety, again, apparently because of pressure from the Department of Health...despite the fact that these articles are published scientific studies.’ 47
One early attempt at vaccine promotion, using Dr Charles Creighton, went badly wrong. Dr Creighton, whose ‘History of Epidemics’, ‘...was justly called "..the greatest medical work ever written by one man."’48 was asked by the Encyclopaedia Britannica to write an article for the ninth edition, on vaccination. Creighton, having previously written for the EB, was considered a safe pair of hands. However, no-one had envisaged him researching the subject before writing the piece.

‘Even though he tried to favour vaccination and please the medical profession in his article, he found he could not, with any honesty and accuracy, state that vaccination had ever had any influence in reducing any was all too obvious that the practice had caused thousands of deaths plus an unbelievably large number of cases of disease and disability.’5 Having publicly requested the article from the eminent physician, the hapless publishers had to use it…
‘…The physicians and vaccine laboratories were shocked but he had the proof of what he said and they knew it was correct…However, in the next edition, his article was left out...’5 and ‘...was replaced as soon as possible by what was little more than an advertisement for glycerinated calf lymph written by one of its promoters. Creighton, perhaps the greatest medical mind of the last century, was virtually turned out of his profession.’ 48 The ninth edition became a collector's item..’ !! 5


‘Lord Lister...speaking to graduates of King's College Hospital...held up a test-tube and declared that it contained enough typhoid to kill the whole of London, whereupon a tweed-clad old country doctor stomped up the aisle, seized the test-tube drank its contents, muttered "What a nonsense" and returned to his seat. Next day...the old man came down to breakfast...enjoyed a hearty meal and lived for many years.’ 52
The old fraud, Louis Pasteur’s death-bed recantation: ‘ The germ is nothing: the soil is everything’ came too late. The Germ Theory was born – the bug hunters were up and running towards a multi-trillion dollar empire of vaccines, antibiotics, antiseptics, and disinfectants: all built on the ‘germs cause disease’ hoax.

‘…if the germ theory were founded on facts there would be no living being to read what's written.’
Dr George White

The massive resurgence in strength of the ‘conquered’ germs – the creation of super-bugs which can ‘eat’ anti-biotics; the infestation of hospitals with MRSA; the re-emergence of tuberculosis; the nightmare scenario of a mass invasion of new, irresistible microbes...are all manifestations of the pay-out for the attempts to outflank Mother Nature.

‘Drug-resistant TB "is likely to kill millions"...Tuberculosis is expected to kill 30 million this decade...the disease is epidemic in Russia and is spreading worldwide...If the multi-drug strains become predominant...all we will be able to do is pray...a third of the world's population is infected with TB. 50
‘Why the killer bugs are now biting back. For 30 years doctors thought they had infectious diseases licked. A cocktail of jabs soon after birth, a phial of antibiotics in every doctor's bag and nothing could touch us. But no longer. Super-resistant viruses are spreading – with fatal consequences...Suddenly, the bug that is the most common cause of sore throats in children has grown ambitious...Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus...infected by a killer virus, produces enzymes which literally eat flesh...In 1968, America's Surgeon General announced, "The time has come to close the book on infectious diseases" is leading the way on new super bugs.’ 51

All the warnings, from the naturopathic movement, on the fundamental dangers of vaccines, antibiotics and the rest; all the attempts to explain that germs are a result, not a cause, of disease; that asepsis – cleanliness, not antisepsis – was needed; the pleas that a strong constitution and immune system – the product of fresh, organic fruit and veg. etc, – would deal with the ‘infective agents’ – all ignored, ridiculed, laughed at.

Now, Nemesis is at the gate and She is in a very bad mood.

The Hidden Hand

‘...the word 'vaccination' numerologically adds up to 666 – the Antichrist...simply assign multiples of six to each letter of the alphabet (A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, and so on ), and add up the numbers relating to the letters, and, hey presto, 666. (spooky, eh?)’ 42
Whilst the combination of dollar-lust, arrogance and incompetence – endemic within the medical/pseudo-scientific orthodoxy and their media fronts – could, alone, explain the continued survival and expansion of vaccination, a hidden agenda must be suspected.

It is debatable that Jenner's single fraudulent experiment could have evolved into the means by which the destruction and mutation – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual – of homo sapiens could be affected, without a Grand Plan.

Although there are other potent, medically-promoted health-wreckers – antibiotics, steroids, fluoride waste dumping, mass mammography, ‘radiotherapy’, the ‘Dept of Heath Balanced Diet’ etc – vaccination is in a league of its own. For the practice to have continued to the point where 80 percent of the world's newborns are due to be multi-jabbed, it could be speculated that more than the usual greed, crass stupidity and dereliction of duty on the part of the medical trade, the politicians and the mass communications media was needed.

Well-informed watchers – and there are more than some think – of the New World Order Plan have long known of an infinitely wealthy, super-criminal Power Elite of bankers, politicians, industrialists etc. who have always pulled the strings behind the world scene and have created as much havoc as they chose to.

According to the watchers, the NWO boys have a clear plan for us all; including the creation of a World Government, a central bank, a central food source, and a cash-free, micro-chipped world population, linked to a great central computer. Any dissent or freedom of thought nonsense could be dealt with by exclusion, one way or the other.

Central to this type of thinking are several facets: a reduction of world population – especially the ‘useless eaters’; more dependence on authority – and less time for questions – through debt or ill health; the instigation of and civil and social unrest and the growth of crime due to the increasingly violent mental states of the underclass.

Whilst the U.N./W.H.O. plan for a narcotised world population – via water fluoridation – went, to a large degree, down the drain, the vaccination plan – a far more effective straight-jacket – has been a pronounced success.

From the population control angle, there have been the vaccine deaths – directly or indirectly – and the vaccines have been used as vehicles to create sterility 45 and also to produce massive epidemics of encephalitis leading to war and slaughter on a vast scale.

From the authority-dependence angle there has been a huge fall-out of physical disease – from asthma, to diabetes, to MS, ME, cancer...etc. all leading to drug-dependence, wheelchairs and permanent hospital beds. Forty percent of adults and a rapidly increasing proportion of children are now reporting chronic illness or disablement

The rest of the MBDs – minimally-brain-damaged – have fallen into several categories: the above medically-dependent, the violent underclass and the programmable. An epidemic of lawlessness, seeded in childhood, is an ideal medium to create the cry of ‘something must be done.’

‘Society pays the price when these individuals grow up and begin to exhibit abberant behaviour, affecting social structure, increasing crime and necessitating more authoritarian social control mechanisms.’ 45
Then come public surveillance cameras, Criminal Justice Acts, electronic tagging and whatever follows naturally.

The programmable are a vital part of The Plan.

‘The current education system is based on the storage of facts carefully selected by the System to serve and perpetuate the status quo. The result of this is an increasingly exercised left brain, which is the body's logical and systematic base, often to the neglect of our right brain – the base of our intuitive, creative, instinctive and psychic selves. In this way we become left-hemispherically dominant in order to merely survive the education process...Our true selves, our spiritual and infinitely creative selves, suffer terribly in the process, leaving some with little or no purpose in life save to belong – mind, body and soul – to the status quo and those who serve it.’ 49
If a vaccine-induced encephalitis and cerebral palsy, results in a reduced right brain function or left-right balance and interchange, the scene is set for the creation of the emotionally-void. ‘...this emotional emptiness is typically what we see today with young people and the preceding several generations subject to vaccines. The longer the problem goes on the worse everything becomes on a social level.’ 45

The emotional/spiritual vacuum manifests in a wide spectrum of scenarios, wherever the vaccine-saturated are found: from the military automaton, carrying out atrocities to order, without flinching – to the violent habitual criminal – to the psychopathic inmates of the vivisection laboratories – to the medical personnel constantly repeating the same deadly procedures – to the alienated schoolchild whose soul-less behaviour shocks all around, except those who are just the same.

The Fundamental Flaws

Vaccination rests on several self-evident myths:
That Edward Jenner's vaccine saved Britain and the world from smallpox
False and diametrically opposed to reality; the vaccine caused countless deaths and illnesses for the vaccinated and massive constitutional problems for successive generations.
That germs cause disease
False; lack of immunity causes disease.
That vaccines confer immunity
False; immunity is a whole body phenomenon which cannot be conferred by subcutaneous injection.
That vaccines were responsible for the declines of the infectious diseases
False; the graphs show clearly that no beneficial effect from vaccination was ever evident.
That vaccines are safe
False; vaccination has clearly been shown to be far and away the greatest health-destroyer of all.
That conditions such as measles, whooping cough, etc are dangerous and need to be ‘wiped out’
False; it would be impossible for any child in reasonable health to be damaged or killed by these conditions. These illnesses have always been known as health-beneficial, due to the cleansing of inherited and acquired disease tendencies and toxins, and due to enhanced immune-system function.
This has now been lost and replaced by a plague – physical, emotional, mental and psychic.

The holocaust grows daily.

Patrick Rattigan
1 Quarry Bank Road
S41 0HH

Mr Frank Dobson M.P.
Ms Tessa Jowell M.P.
Mr Paul Boateng M.P.
Mr Alan Milburn M.P.

date as postmark

Enclosed please find copy of Vaccination – Assault on the Species.

The mounting evidence, of which this booklet is one very small part, as to the useless, dangerous and lethal nature of vaccination, has a clear and unequivocal message.

As the Labour Government has, as far as I am aware, no links, financial or philosophical, with the pharmaceutical industry, there is no reason for the practice to continue, let alone for GPs to be paid large sums of tax-payers money to create huge amounts of chronic illness.

On moral, ethical, medical, scientific, environmental and national economic grounds vaccination must be stopped.


copies Labour MPs etc



1. Dr W Hadwen The Fraud of Vaccination Truth Jan/Feb 1923
2. Truth Editorial Jan 10 1923
3. National AntiVaccination League
4. Dr Hadwen Truth Jan 17 1923
5. Vaccination Condemned Elben Better Life Research 1981
6. Phillipine Health Service 1918
7. Daily Mirror 1976
8. New England Journal of Medicine Mar 26 1987
9. Dr R.Nicholson Bulletin of Medical Ethics Aug 1995
10. Mail on Sunday Sep 22 1996
11. D Q Haney Albuquerque Journal Nov 23 1992
12. The Role of Medicine Prof T. McKeown Oxford Univ Press 1976
13. Vaccines Miller N. New Atlantean Press 1992
14. Here's Health Apr 1980
15. Australian Nurses Journal May 1978
16. Journal of Infant Diseases 151: 330-6 1985
17. Journal of the American Medical Ass. Feb 20 1981
18. Sunday Express Dec 17 1989
19. Derbys Times Oct 24 1991
20. South Yorks Times Mar 11 1938
21. The Poisoned Needle McBean E. 1974
22. Birmingham Infectious Disease Hospital report 1932
23. Lancet Mar 16 1935
24. Lancet Nov 14 1909
25. Vaccines do not Protect McBean E.
26. The People's Doctor Newsletter Mendelson 1988
27. Vaccine Bulletin Feb 1987
28. World Medicine Sep 1984
29. Committee on Labour and Human Resources May 3 1984
30. Immunity against Infectious Diseases Mortimer Science May 1978
31. Adverse Events 67-117 Stratton et al Institute of Medicine
32. Isaac Golden PhD Vaccination a Review of Risks... 1991
33. The Natural History of Infectious Diseases Burnett and White 1972
34. Martin J K Arch. Dis. Childhood Mar 1950
35. Lancet vol 3 Sep 1991
36. Morris and Butler Adverse Reactions NZ children – hep B vacc. 1985-88.
37. Drive to Immunize adults is on Mendelson Hol. Health News Sep 1985
38. Vaccine News Summer 1995
39. AIDS chapter from Deadly Deception Nemesis info sheet.
40. Mr G Messenger, breeder Fauna Mag. 11
41. Canine Health Census PO Box 1 Longnor Derbys SK17 0JD
42. Who Killed the Darling Buds of May O'Driscoll C Abbeywood 1997
43. Sunday Times Jan 19 1997
44. Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality Coulter H N. Atlantic 1990
45. Leading Edge Research
46. The Abolitionist May 1 1928
47. Dawbarns solicitors
48. The Blood Poisoners Dole L.
49. Vaccinations – Mass Mind Control Fraser The Truth Campaign
50. Times Mar 21 1996
51. Daily Express May 25 1994
52. Dr T.Stuttaford Times Feb 3 1997

The meningococcus bacterium – Neisseria meningitidis lives in the nose/throat area of human beings and is spread by coughs, sneezes and splutters. It is endemic within society, affecting up to one in six of us, without causing any symptoms unless the carrier is immuno-compromised. The most effective way, for most people, to cause this is to be vaccinated. Antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, steroids...also have an important role in damaging the immune system and increasing the risk of meningitis and a vast range of other maladies.
Meningococcal bacterial groups range from A-Z: the ones considered malign are A, B, C, W135 and Y.

When the bacteria leave the nose/throat and invade the blood stream the result is septicaemia: if the brain/spinal cord is affected the result is meningitis.

‘Once you have "carried" any of the meningococci, you develop protective antibodies to ALL of the groups.’ 1 This does NOT include people who suffered an invasive process, i.e. disease such as meningitis or septicaemia. These develop immunity to the specific agent ONLY. Nor does it include those who have been vaccinated against any particular strain.

‘Earlier this century a lot of DISEASE was caused by group A. From the 1960s most DISEASE was caused by group B. What has changed dramatically in the last ten years is the percentage of DISEASE caused by group C. It is up from 30% to 40%. It is causing more DISEASE in older age groups, especially 15-24 year-olds in whom the death-rate is higher (15%...compared to 5% in infants...)..and there are more cases of SEPTICAEMIA (up to 70% in one series of deaths)....What has been happening to these people's immune systems over the last ten years or so?’ 1
In 1988 the MMR vaccine was introduced; three live viral vaccines all by-passing the body's immune system and going straight into the blood stream.

‘On top of this we had the Measles Rubella Campaign in 1994 when about seven million 5-16 year-olds were vaccinated – some for the second and third time – against measles. These are some of the people who are going through university now. They will have also had another dose of Tetanus and Polio vaccine just before starting. When I heard about the 14 year-old boy who died of group C meningitis, I remember wondering how soon beforehand he had had his BCG vaccination (another vaccine with a "live" organism)....How can we make it less likely that a meningococcus that our child is "carrying" will invade the blood or brain? By making sure that our child has a good diet, lots of fresh air and love. When our child gets coughs and snuffles, don't let them have unnecessary antibiotics, don't suppress their symptoms with paracetamol or antihistamines...
‘Instead, nurse them through these illnesses with plenty of fluids, avoidance of dairy products, rest and supportive therapies such as homeopathy. They will then come through the episode stronger and fitter rather than weaker and damaged...WOULD I USE THIS VACCINE ON MY CHILDREN? NO.’ 1

There is no evidence that any vaccine is safe or effective. The only large-scale trial – on the BCG – resulted in more TB in the vaccinated group than in the controls. Raising levels of antibodies ("immunogenicity") to the meningitis C – or whatever – does not create immunity. Recently, in Switzerland, three mumps vaccines which raised antibody levels failed to show any suggestion of ‘immunisation’. 2

Echoing the 1994 measles/rubella vaccine dumping scam, in September 1999 the government began an ‘urgent’ campaign to jab university students with a meningitis vaccine.

What the students were not told was that the whole stunt was dreamed up to off-load stocks of old vaccine, developed 20 years ago, which was known to be of no use. This left the shelves clear to stock up on the equally useless, but highly profitable, new meningitis shot.

‘There are limited supplies of the new vaccines so they are not being offered to students but to 2, 3 and 4-month old babies who really needed them.’
DoH spokesman 3

This was after the medical/pharmaceutical/political mafia and their media lackeys had hysterically declared that it was the students who ‘really needed them’.

1. Dr Jayne M L Donegan MB BS DRCOG DCH MRCGP General Medical Practitioner, South London
2. BMJ 1999 319 352-3
3. Tony Edwards WDDTY Nov 1999

Pat Rattigan

Further copies of this booklet £1.75 post paid 2 for £3, 8 for £10

THE CANCER BUSINESS: 36 pages covering lethal treatments fraudulent research suppressed therapies the orthodox ‘cure’ hoax cancer prevention...price as above.

NEMESIS – light on medical fraud booklets, leaflets, information sheets, videos on cancer, animal research, vaccination, AIDS, fluoride, transplants, Gulf War Syndrome...


Health Action Network
PO Box 43 HULL HU1 1AA
Dawbarns – solicitors
Bank House, King's Staithe Square, KING'S LYNN Norfolk PE10 1RD

Canine Health Census
PO Box 1 LONGNOR Derbys SK17 0JD

The Informed Parent

Vaccination Awareness Network
182 Mansfield Road, NOTTINGHAM NG1 3HW ‘Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: the Medical Assault on the American Brain’ – Coulter, H L £11.25 post paid from Minerva Books
6 Bothwell St Lillie Rd LONDON W6 8DY.

New World Order etc.

Leading Edge Research
PO Box 7530 Yelm. WASHINGTON 98597 USA.
Animal research

Vivisection – underpins the lethal vaccination racket: without fraudulent tests of safety and efficiency, the vaccines – and the drugs, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, etc. would not reach the market.
‘There is no way in the world to extrapolate animals to human circumstance. Animal research is cruel to the animal, dangerous to the public and misleading to the scientist.’ – Dr G Dettman.

‘...after more than 40 years of submitting pertussis vaccine to the mouse toxicity test, children are still dying and being brain-damaged after the vaccine has passed this test.’ – Dr K Geraghty paediatric immunologist.

‘Drug manufacturers and the FDA have known since at least the early 1960s that the mouse toxicity test bears little relation to adverse reactions in children. Knowing that the vaccine was not being properly evaluated for toxicity, they continued to inject it into more than sixty million children during the following 20 years.’ – Coulter/Fisher, A Shot in the Dark, 1991

The British AntiVivisection Association is leading the fight against vivisection: no compromises: no connections with the Home Office: no salaries or office expenses. ALL donations used to fight vivisection on moral, ethical, philosophical, medical, scientific, economic and environmental grounds.

P.O. Box 82 Kingswood BRISTOL BS15 1YF Tel/fax 0117 909 5048

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